Episode 1: Travis' Worry

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(This is going to be different than the original by a huge margin enjoy 😄) 

Theme song: Autumn Leaves 

Since you went away 
the days grow long 
And soon I'll hear old winter song 
But I miss you most of all my darling 
When autumn leaves start to fall 

24 September 2018 

Aphmau's POV 

"I just got let out of the absolute care that I was in at the hospital. I have a room I got at a hotel for my current stay at Starlight... well this forced one," I explained to Kawaii~Chan over the phone. 

"How's The Room?" Kawaii~Chan asked. 

"Well it is Purple and Pink in it there is white furniture and it is may I add huge... For an organization who were hunting us down a month ago they have given me and Travis some comfortable rooms, And they have allowed me to roam around in this building," I said. 

"That Great Aphmau we all miss you here," Kawaii~Chan said sadly. 

"Yeah, I miss you guys too... Wait, why didn't you call me Aphmau~Sempai like you used to?" I asked Kawaii~Chan. 

"N-No Rea-Reason Aphmau~Sempai," Kawaii~Chan stuttered. 

"Is it because of Zane hmm," I asked her in a shippy voice to tease her. 

"B-bye Aphmau Talk To You Later," Kawaii~Chan exclaimed cutting the phone. 

"I am happy She and Zane found each other it is like they were made for each other," I thought just as Travis came in. 

"Hey, Not-Alone-Buddy," Travis said sadly. 

"Hey, Not-Alone-Buddy what's up?" I asked. 

"Nothing much," Travis said sadly. 

"Are you alright?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, just I can't become the Travis I was before all this... I-I can't be the same Casanova Travis I once was I want to spend with my friends and not be a flirty person who seems like a jerk at times, I want to change not become drastically different just trying to come off better, like I used to be in high school. I mean not shy but how I didn't try to hit on every single girl," Travis said crying letting out his sadness. 

"I know how you must feel... I don't want to be weak like I once was I want to be strong... I couldn't even stop The Demon Warlock from controlling me, Aaron had to take control hence weakening him to the point where he lost his memories," I said on the verge of crying. 

"You know I feel like you should take your advice and stop blaming yourself... it does no one well and you don't even have to worry about everyone possibly hating you before you say anything no I am not saying you have it easy I can't even start to imagine how it will feel to have the person you are engaged to get amnesia and blindness. Also, Toby wanted to meet with me," Travis said. 

"How is it NOT my fault? I had THREE RELICS IN ME while The Demon Warlock had ONLY ONE RELIC And yet I still got controlled," I yelled frustrated at how he could be this calm. 

"The 1 relic was of Derek... He may have not been the main curse holder he had enough of the curse in him to make the Relic the same strength if not stronger than the divine relics... the most powerful relics to ever be created, also that control was possible due to his power and he controlled you, Zane and Lucinda separately not together," Travis reassured me. 

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