Episode 5: Shu? Where are you?

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4 October 2018 

Theme song: Autumn Leaves 

Since you went away 
the days grow long 
And soon I'll hear old winter song 
But I miss you most of all my darling 
When autumn leaves start to fall 

Aaron's POV In his Headspace 

"Where am I?" I thought only seeing darkness everywhere. 

"Hello? Anyone here? Aphmau? Zane? Lucinda? ... Shu?" I called out. 

"They aren't here... no one can be here except you and me," A mysterious voice called out. 

"Who are you?" I hissed. 

"I can't reveal my name to you, but you can call me E," E said. 

"Okay E where am I?" I asked. 

"You are in your headspace," E said. 

"What does that mean?" I asked. 

"Your headspace is like a void inside your head where other souls within you or a part of you reside," E said calmly. 

"Then what am I doing here?" I asked for clarification. 

"You know Kim and Travis right?" E asked. 

"I mean that's not what I was taking but... Yeah!" I exclaimed. 

"Well, whenever Ghost talks to Kim or when The Demon Warlock was controlling Travis they were here... not to mention whenever Aphmau, Zane and Lucinda were in the effects of the forever potion they were here," He said causing my eyes to widen. 

"H-How do you know that? Moreover, you didn't answer my question WHY AM I HERE?" I asked again. 

"When you turned into a relic or more precisely when you turned back, your soul split in 2, the first part got no memories and almost no vision, but full control over the body, but you... you had every memory and good vision but no control over your own body... slowly you are coming back to your body as physically you get back your sight and memories... but until you truly get back your memories and sight this part of your conscience will remain," E explained. 

"T-Th-That flew over my head but I think I understand," I sighed. 

"You know, I can you company well... I may go somewhere... maybe even to talk to your friends but I will try to be here with you," E said as I saw a genuine smile on his mostly covered face. 

"T-Thank you... E," I said. 

"No problem, Aaron," E said 

Melissa's POV 

"I have tried everything to find this Shu girl, Maybe I should give up... NO! I promised Aaron I would do everything I could to find Shu... well, I have tried everything... But it isn't enough so, maybe I should call Aphmau, Travis and more to find her! Yes, That would be perfect," I thought, dialling Aphmau. 

Aphmau picked up.  

"Hey Sister-In-Law!" I greeted. 

"Sister-In-Law!?! MELISSA!!" Aphmau yelled flustered by me. 

"What? You will have to get used to me calling you that especially when Aaron and you get Married!" I exclaimed. 

"What if he never remembers me?" Aphmau asked sadly. 

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