Episode 7: Explaining Everything (Part: 1)

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Play this when the Ultima's Story part comes: 

6 October 2018 

Theme song: Autumn Leaves 

Since you went away 
the days grow long 
And soon I'll hear old winter song 
But I miss you most of all my darling 
When autumn leaves start to fall 

Katelyn's POV 

Me, Lucinda, Kim and Kawaii~Chan were talking when Melissa burst in. 

"Katelyn! Lucinda! Kim! Kawaii~Chan! It would be best if you listened right now!" She yelled. 

"What happened?" Lucinda asked drowsily due to her not being able to sleep yesterday. 

"Dante and Laurence," She said. 

"What about Dante and Laurance?" Kim asked. 

"THEY. BOTH. ARE. COMING. BACK. IN. 2. HOURS!" She yelled. 

"WHAT!" We all yelled in surprise. 

"I thought they said they would be coming next week on the 13th?" Kawaii~Chan said. 

"They said they have to come back early," Melissa explained. 

"So, What do we tell them then?" I asked. 

"The Truth," Lucinda said. 

"So that means Kim and Lucinda, only you, Garroth and Zane Know what happened in The Lodge Incident and Starlight incident," I said. 

"And me," Kawaii~Chan said. 

"Yeah, you too," I said. 

"We should probably get ready mentally and physically. I am going to my house now to get back on caring for my brother," Melissa said Before she walked out. 

I could see Ghost or as she asks us to call her Emma taking over Kim. 

"Who are Laurance and Dante?" Emma asked. 

"They are our old friends, they didn't come with us to the lodge or starlight," I explained. 

"I see, how do they look?" Emma asked. 

"Laurance has blue eyes and brown hair, well, his sister may have dyed them orange again," Lucinda said giggling after the last part. 

"Dante has dark blue hair and navy blue eyes," I said. 

"I see," Emma said as Kim took back control. 

"You could've asked me in my headspace you know," Kim said. 

After a period of silence Kim again spoke, "Of course I would know about them, they are my friends too." 

"I think we should call over Garroth and Zane," I said. 

"We really should," Emma said again taking over Kim. 

Being sure that Emma only talked about Zane and knowing Kawaii~Chan would kill her later we decided to call BOTH of them over. 

After Zane and Garroth came we waited outside until Laurance and Dante came home. 

We see a car stopping in front of us and Laurance and Dante walk out. They Hug us and start asking millions of questions in anger and curiosity. 

"Laurance, Dante Calm. Down!" Garroth yelled. 

"How can we calm when we found out you guys almost died?" Laurance yelled. 

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