Episode 6: Truth about us...

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4 October 2018 

Theme song: Autumn Leaves 

Since you went away 
the days grow long 
And soon I'll hear old winter song 
But I miss you most of all my darling 
When autumn leaves start to fall 

Aphmau's POV 

I lay there thinking about everything that happened throughout the last few months... 

"We went to Starlight, We reunited with Aaron and other Lycans, Aaron started opening up his werewolf side, Zane and Kawaii~Chan started dating, I turned into a Werewolf by my wish, Garroth got turned in an accident, Ein returned, The GFs Invaded Starlight Just to find us, Rachael died, Derek turned into a Relic, Blaze died, Ein killed me, I got revived, we fought The Demon Warlock with me possessing 3 relics," I thought. 

"What even am I?" I thought out loud. 

"What do you mean Aphmau? Colin asked who came out of the wall. 

"WHAT THE!" I exclaimed. 

"Oh yeah, I created a portal to my room here," Colin said casually. 

"Why are you saying that so calmly!?!" I yelled/asked. 

"I am a Warlock on the 'Universal Council of Witchcraft' power level," Colin said. 

"I still can't understand how you can be this calm about these kinds of things," I said. 

"As I said before I am a Warlock on the 'Universal Council of Witchcraft' power level, what did you mean by 'What even am I?' you just said that out of nowhere," Colin asked. 

"I mean how I was able to handle 3 relics," I said. 

"Aphmau... I thought Toby told you this. If not him I thought your doctors would've answered this but you are... I think it would be better for Agent R to tell you this not me," Colin said. 

"But why?" I asked. 

"Complex but still it is better for them to tell you this I can call them right now if you want," Colin offered. 

"I mean I would like it," I said. 

"I will call him in a minute," Colin said going back through the wall. 

"If Lucinda used to be able to do this I feel even more sad for her," I thought. 

Agent R comes in and we greet each other. 

"Colin said you called Aphmau," Rowan said. 

"Yeah, I wanted to know how I could handle 3 relics while fighting The Demon Warlock?" I asked. 

"Well, It's Complex and we don't have a full 100% true answer but at least from what the doctors told us and other things from our investigations I can tell you our best theories as of now," Rowan said. 

"So, the GF doesn't know everything about me?" I asked. 

"If they would've we wouldn't be here currently," Rowan said with a bit of anger in his voice. 

"What do you mean by 'we'?" I asked. 

"Well, I can only go along with you when you can finally leave," Rowan said. 

"Can you tell me whatever best theories the GF has about me?" I asked. 

"Alright, You were able to come back from dying due to Irene or at least a part of Irene helping you and even before that due to your look and Healing magic we can say that you were already a part of Irene," Rowan said. 

"But, I learned healing magic I didn't have it by birth like Irene did," I said. 

"Nothing is a coincidence while dealing with situations like yours, but coming back, It has been a legend that Irene split herself into 3 parts of her soul and the one that revived you may have been 1 of them," Rowan explained. 

"So, you are saying I am a part of Irene and was revived by another part of Irene?" I asked. 

"Yes, And when she did her powers came into you. This made you able to handle 3 relics which only a divine can do," Rowan explained. 

"I think I understand... Thank you," I said. 

"No problem, Aphmau," Rowan said before bidding me farewell as he went to do whatever he needed to do. 

As soon as he left I started freaking out about everything I just found out. 

Lucinda's POV 

As I again tried to summon fire which is one of the basics of Witchcraft a small flame came to be which lasted 5 seconds. 

"Very Good Lucinda you are making progress but now I will need your help finding out how being a relic works by reading these books," Mom said pulling out 2 massive books. 

"We have to read both of these? I asked terrified of the books with 1000 pages. 

"You will read 1 and I will read the other, Don't worry half of these are pictures," Mom said. 

"Alright," I gulped and started reading. 

One Hour Later 

Having read gone through only 125 pages I was tired of not finding out anything useful. 

"Have you found something?" Mom asked. 

"No, 125 pages still nothing," I said. 

Seven Hours Later 

I yawned completing the last page of the book. 

"You done Lucinda?" Mom asked. 

"Yeah, but didn't we start at 3:00 PM how is it 11:00 PM already? Has it already been 8 hours," I asked surprised. 

"Yeah, we should go to sleep we will the Information tomorrow," Mom said. 

5 October 2018 

I woke up and did my morning routine, ate breakfast and then went to talk to my mother. 

"So, What did you find in that book Lucinda?" Mom asked. 

"Relics when turned back give disabilities like amnesia, blindness, magic loss, muteness, paralysis, anaesthetic (lost sense of touch), deafness or more and these can overlap," I said 

"I learned about the time it takes for these to cure," Mom said. 

"Really!" I exclaimed. 

"Yeah, just tell me when they got turned back into humans and what they have lost," Mom said. 

"Well, We got turned back on the 27th of August, Zane lost his ability to speak or write names," I said. 

"It said that to get back the ability to speak or write names he will get his ability back after 2 months or the 27th of October," Mom said. 

"I lost the power of Magic," I said. 

"Well, You will get your powers back after 5 months or the 27th of January," Mom said. 

"Aaron lost his sight and Memories," I said. 

"He will get his sight back in 3 months or the 27th of November and will get his memories back in 16 weeks or the 17th of December," Mom said. 

"I need to tell this to Aphmau This Instant," I yelled getting up. 

"Lucinda, I think it would be better to do that later," Mom said. 

"But why?" I asked. 

"You know how sometimes your magic tells you to do or not do something, this is that," Mom said. 

"Alright I guess," I said. 

(I know smaller chapter and all but well I just felt this small chapter was needed for this) 

Words: 1148

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