Episode 3: GF friends

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30 September 2018 

Theme song: Autumn Leaves 

Since you went away 
the days grow long 
And soon I'll hear old winter song 
But I miss you most of all my darling 
When autumn leaves start to fall 

Katelyn's POV 

I was on a cruise back home. 

"I wonder what Travis' Doing?" I thought when all of a sudden my phone started to ring and I saw an unknown phone number calling me and I picked it up. 

"Hello, Who is this?" I asked. 

"Hello, Katelyn," Said a Mysterious Voice. 

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I yelled. 

"I thought you would recognize me by my voice Katelyn," That voice asked. 

"Stop playing around and tell me who you are?" I asked. 

"Fine, I am... COLIN CABOT," He said. 

"Wait, Colin? How did I not recognize you? And why aren't you calling from your regular number?" I asked. 

"Well, that's... complicated to say the least but how have you been?" Colin asked dodging my Question. 

"Well, I have been missing Travis, I haven't been able to meet my dad again since you know the incident," I cried thinking of the starlight incident. 

"He got allowed to go before us but they only gave us permission to communicate over digital services now like Phone or text etc." I cried. 

"I-I am sorry," He said before clearing his throat. 

"I need to tell you something that you will need to tell to the others As Soon As Possible," He said. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Well, you know My best friend who is also a powerful warlock like me right?" He asked. 

"Yeah, Caleb... Why mention him?" I asked. 

"Well, he and I decided to join... the GF," He said weakly. 

"WHAT!" I yelled. 

"Don't yell please, we just joined to protect Aphmau and Travis, also I have already got assigned to Aphmau and Caleb to Travis so, yeah it is too back to turn back now," He said. 

"I-I Understand why you did it," I said. 

"Thanks... I have to go now, to you know introduce myself to Aphmau," Colin said. 

"Yeah, Sure, Bye!" I said. 

"Bye!" He said cutting the call. 

As soon as he cut the call I immediately went and called everyone. 

"Katelyn, I was sleeping," Kawaii~Chan said Yawning. 

"Wait happened Katelyn? I was trying to use basic magicks maybe," Lucinda said. 

"I rushed over here as soon as you called... What happened?" Garroth asked. 

"I didn't want to come, Seven dragged me here," Zane said still half-asleep. 

"This is really important and I mean REALLY IMPORTANT," I said. 

"This is about Aphmau and Travis," I yelled. 

"WHAT!" Zane yelled. 

"Did something happen to Aphmau?" Kawaii~Chan asked in a worried voice. 

"No, Nothing happened to her, just I found out some... things, from someone who I used to be great friends with," I said keeping the suspense. 

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