Episode 2: Nightmares

66 3 1

24 - 25 September 2018

Theme song: Autumn Leaves

Since you went away
the days grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall

Aphmau's POV

I fall asleep

I see myself in a dark void with nothing there. All of a sudden a memory starts to play.

Aaron entered the cave and ran through it to get to the cavern. Once he got there, Ein was holding a knife at my throat, ready to slash it at any minute. Aaron looked around.

Ein's eyes were now the same colour as Garroth's and Katelyn's as he cackled evilly while I had her eyebrows furrowed but I stopped furrowing them when she noticed Aaron.

"Aaron!" I yelled

Aaron's eyes widened as he gasped.

"Shhhhh. The man has to talk little babe," Ein said

"You liar! We all trusted you! Looked up to you! You were the reason why we were all being hunted!" Blaze yelled.

"Aaron, just the man I've been looking for," Ein snickers.

"You know, you could've stopped ALL of this if you just killed me in those woods. A real Alpha would have but you didn't and here we are, again cause of your failure. This time, you have something I want, something you're going to give back. You wouldn't upset me, would you?" Ein said as Aaron froze.

"You're going to give them back to me!" Ein yelled

"Aaron, don't-!" I exclaimed trying to stop Aaron from giving Ein his werewolf features back.

"Quiet! Are you willing to let me kill her? It's quite simple. Just give them back!" Ein exclaimed

Aaron furrowed his brows as his eyes turned red. Ein now had his ears and tail back as he smirked and looked up at his ears.

Aaron's eyes widened as I was still in Ein's grasp.

I pushed back Ein's arm as I jumped off the boulder we were on.

I started to run towards Aaron but... Ein fired emerald magic towards me, which pierced my chest and it hit my heart. Aaron's eyes widened more in shock.

I collapsed on the ground as I was bleeding mercilessly. Aaron immediately ran towards me.

Aaron looked at me with an extremely worried look.

Aaron then ran out of the cave while carrying me bridal style as he ran as fast as he could to get to the beach house.

Aaron was near the beach house as blood prints were everywhere in the house.

Zane and Aaron had me and Kawaii~Chan lay down to rest as Aaron held a piece of cloth on my wound.

"O-ow.. Aphmau? Is she okay?" Kawaii~Chan winces.

"S-s-she'll be fine... Don't worry..." Zane said shakily

"It'll be okay! We'll get you help!" Aaron cried.

"Aaron.. I-it hurts..." I said weakly.

"Yeah..." Aaron said shakily

"Aaron... I..." I said about to die.

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