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No, no, no, no. This cannot be happening. I take it back. I do care about who my partner is!

Poor [Y/N] internally screamed. This was a nightmare. Maybe not so much for the jealous girls who immediately stared daggers at [Y/N] after hearing the teacher announce that. But for her, it is.

‘Cause that means she has to deal with emo delinquent first hand. She already knew that she was definitely going to fail this class. First of all, [Y/N] and Jotaro had never interacted with each other. Well, other than creepy eye contacts throughout the year.

But that was it! [Y/N] couldn’t be bothered about some jacked up delinquent guy. And Kujo Jotaro couldn’t give a single shit about an ordinary girl at some shitty school he goes to.

And this also means that [Y/N] has to actually communicate with her mouth, not her eyes. Sure, she has experience conversing with customers at the tea shop but those were strangers. And none of them were bad boys who smoke and skip class and have ten belts on their waists.

“Alright, that’s all! Now let me actually talk about the project.” The teacher spoke, gaining everyone’s attention. “You’ll all have to create a cardboard presentation about an animal of your choosing. It must include its origin, habitat, population, and fun facts! You are free to decorate your presentation in any way you want. Just nothing inappropriate, please.” He finished explaining.

[Y/N] rolled her eyes involuntarily, dreading the moment when she has to discuss with Jotaro later. Despite hating the fact that she has to work with Jotaro, she more so hates the fact that she’ll have one missing assignment. What’s worse? Working with tall emo, or not having all your assignments completed?

She let out a sigh of distress, taking out her pencil and notebook from under the desk and strategically planning steps about how to talk to Jotaro. Was it necessary? Yes. Very much so.

“Oh, by the way, this project will contribute 50% to your scores so if you don’t submit it… say goodbye to graduating.”

Oh, suck my ass.

ʚ ══════・୨ ꕤ ୧・══════ ɞ

Once the bell rang, indicating the second lunch break, [Y/N] quickly cleaned up her desk and chased after Jotaro who was already out of the classroom. This was basically like an elephant and mouse chase, reversed.

“Kujo!” The girl managed to breathe out once their proximity was close enough. Jotaro stopped in response to hearing his surname being called out. [Y/N] catches up to him and composes herself before speaking to him again. “Hey, uh.”

Shit, nice going [Y/N]

She was now face to face with Kujo Jotaro. His muscular frame looming over her. She didn’t know if it was the atmosphere or the gaze he had, but if anyone was passing by, they’d think [Y/N] and Jotaro were going to have a brawl.

Damn, for someone who smokes ten cigarettes every day, he looks pretty healthy.

“So…” [Y/N] started, looking up at him as she spoke. “When are you free—”

“Shut up”

“Excuse me—”

Jotaro grunted, “shut the fuck up,  you’re noisy”. He gives her the nastiest glare a man could ever have and leaves to probably have a smoke break. “What the actual fuck…” The dumbfounded girl mumbled to herself as she stood there as if Jotaro had just revealed that he was batman. The girl was lost, to say the least.

Well, that was fucking rude. So much for running all the way here.

The girl sulked as she made her way back to her classroom. Passing by a certain someone’s locker and kicking it as hard as she can.


Maybe Jotaro had a bad day. Maybe, just maybe, he was having a bad day and is in one of his moods right now. This isn’t the end of the world. We can still try this tomorrow. There’s still another chance.

Truth to be told, [Y/N] was one hundred and one percent sure this wasn’t going to work and she’d have to be held back a year because some stupid kid couldn’t cooperate with her.

That man already looks like an asshole, acting like one isn’t helping him or anyone at this matter. Looking like you have an attitude is one thing, but actually having an attitude is another. Damn, did this frustrate the girl.

It definitely agitated her because she was glaring onto the vase of flowers on the teachers desk while squeezing her juice box like a mad man.

Count your days, Kujo.

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A/N !!
I don't like this chapter haha
Have a great day everyone <3

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