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[Y/N] was always taught to never give up by her family. If there is an obstacle blocking your way, make a new one! She took that word for word.

And now here she is, arriving extra early at school in pursuit of finding Jotaro so she can discuss the project with him. It's honestly crazy how she has to go to such lengths just because this guy was being stubborn as always.

The girl patiently waited in her seat for her project partner to arrive. It didn't take a genius to know that he only came early so he could have a quick smoke before class started. [Y/N] fiddled the hem of her skirt as she watched the sliding doors of her classroom intensely.

She shut down her other senses except for vision. If she was having a stare off battle with someone, she'd win no questions asked.

And finally, his tall build emerged. [Y/N] immediately stood up and walked towards him.

"Hey, Kujo—"

But before she could even greet him properly, he scoffed at her and left the classroom. Honestly, he might as well have just rolled his eyes while doing the scoff because that shit was uncalled for. [Y/N] clenched the hem of her skirt, making it wrinkle.

What an asshole...

Oh man, if you think [Y/N]'s going to give up because of that then shame on you. This was a sign to continue the goose chase.

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"Alright class, go have your lunch". The teacher announced it instead of the school bell. The school bell was broken because apparently someone threw a hammer at it. [Y/N] pulled out her wallet from her bag and then headed out to 7/11.

What should I buy this time? Katsu? Or maybe instant ramen...

She was thinking to herself when she saw a trail of smoke from the short-cut route. She instantly knew who it was, his intense smell of cologne gave it away too. She braced herself before going into the alley way, making sure all her nerves were working well. She inhaled deeply and made her way in.

And there he is. Just casually smoking away with no care in the world. "Kujo!" She called out to him, gaining his attention. "Before you lea—" Suddenly, the cigarette that he was smoking was thrown right in front of her feet.

[Y/N] looked at the intimate object in disbelief. Not only did he litter the damn place, he also could've (almost) burnt her shoes. And just like that, he brushed past her shoulder and headed back to school. Acting as if nothing happened. Acting as if [Y/N] was just a ghost.

[Y/N] didn't know who raised him, she didn't know who gave him that toddler behavior but it was starting to really make her blood boil.

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I mean— it's just ridiculous!

The girl thought to herself as she munched on her katsu. Who would've thought that the school's infamous edgy boy acts like a kid who got his toy taken away. He's almost eighteen for crying out loud! [Y/N] was visibly frustrated at his actions and him in general as she is seen to aggressively chew on her food. The cashier in the store silently judged her.

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