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Kate POV

We were eating breakfast when Bob spoke up "guys I got some good news, I woke up this morning with a little magic under the door. We got some surprises, complied the hotel."

He said pulling out some envelope with some fun hotel things, "what?" My mom said "first up, how would you like to mix it up with manta rays and tussle with turtles on a snorkel adventure for two?."

He said reading the first one "whoa, sounds dope. I know somebody who would love to go snorkeling" Teddy said.

As Bob handed it to him "but that's not all. Two lucky people get an opportunity to have an overnight stay at Tulum, with a private tour of the Mayan ruins."

He reads it off "are you serious?" My mom said "pack your overnight bags and bring a sense of adventure." Bob reads again.

"An overnight in Tulum? That sounds amazing" mom says taking the card, "listen, the kids are gonna have the time of their life because, while your family is off the resort, why not stuff your bellies with free ice cream.

And close form dozens of fun-filled activities at the kids club at a slumber party?" He reads "slumber party?" Jack says grabbing the card from his dad.

"Kate, we're gonna have so much fun" Jack says to me with a large grin on his face, "wait, but I'm too old for kids club, right?" I said hopefully I am.

"Actually, Kate you just made the cut, your good" Bob said looking at me. "Lucky you" Teddy says.

"Wait. This isn't some trick just to get us out of the way so you can propose to mom is it?" I said to Bob my mom looked at me wide eyed.

"Kate sorry" my mom said apologizing to Bob "okay, first, you make us spend Christmas on the freaking equator, and now you don't even wanna spend it together?."

I said "okay. Excuse us" my mom said dragging me away, "why are you acting so rude to Bob?" She asked me "he's treating us to this incredible trip. You should try not to forget that." She said.

"And you should try not to forget dad" I said as she stopped pulling me "look, just because I care for Bob, and.. I do, I care about him very much... that doesn't mean I live your father any less."

She said softly "yeah, well, I just don't see how that's possible" I said "all right I'm just gonna tell Bob we can't go to Tulum."

My mom said then I got an idea "um, no. Um, actually, um you should go" I said trying to convince her to go.

"I'm not gonna just leave you here like this" she said "it's okay , mom I was being a brat. I don't know what came over me, you and Bob deserve to have some fun."

~Time skip~

"Yeah hi, I was wondering if you had any more room in today's flight back to Boston?" I questioned the caller on my phone. "Yeah, I was thinking about ending my trip early."

I said into the phone "I can change it at the airport? Great. Thanks" I said with joy then I hung up the phone and continued to pack.

"All right, we'll be back by late afternoon tomorrow" my mom said "I know I was talking a big game this morning, dad, but I'm starting to have second thoughts about this."

Jack said "everybody going to Tulum, I need your tickets, please" a woman said "well alright you guys take care, Teddy-" my mom says but Teddy cut her off.

"I know, mom. No alcohol" he said "yes, and I saw hoping you could check in on them, please?" She said giving him a look. "Yeah, ok, I got it covered."

He said "okay, uh love you" my mom said hugging me "love you" I said hugging her back "all right. Have fun." She said.


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