~bedtime story~

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Eleanor POV

My mom was saying good night to Jack and Kate but she hasn't to me yet I guess she will when we head to bed "good night sweet Jack" she said to him "good night, Mrs. Clause."

He said she then went over to Kate me and dad noticed Jack got up to the books on the shelf he went to grab one when Kate stopped him "would you like to hear a bedtime story?" Mom asked them.

So she grabbed a book and they sat down together "go join em E" my dad said "come join us honey" my mom said as I walked over to them and sat down.

Telling the story:
This is where is all began
Back in 312 AD
Dana was living in Asia Minor. Today, it's called turkey.
Santa was known as Saint Nicholas.
He was a bishop who discovered the joy of giving.
Became something of a local hero.
And his legend spread far and wide, eventually reaching the forest Elves.

"Wait, you mean to there are different elves?" Kate asked "oh, of course. They're an ancient species-" I cut off my mom "of very magical and wild creatures." I said.

Back in story:
And then they were captured by humans to the brink of extinction.
"I hate humans" [in elvish].
But and elf lore, there was a prophecy about a man who would be king of the elves.
Who would, one day, lead them to safety.
Their leader, Hakan, knew that Saint Nicholas was the only one who could channel the star of Bethlehem's power.
From that day forward they no longer referred to him as Saint Nicholas.
They called him Santa Clause.
And he lead the elves on a mystical journey
To an unknown land, where Christmas
Would truly endure.

"That's here right? The North Pole?" Jack asked "yes" my mom laughed "weird. That one elf, he looks kinda familiar" Kate said pointing to the page which was Belsnickel "yeah" Jack agreeing with her "hmm. Belsnickel, here" mom said softly.

As she handed the book to Kate she raised her hand and got the book with her magic "whoa!" Jack and Kate said at the same time.

Back in the story:
Belsnickel was a precocious and brilliant elf. Who was very popular here in the village. I taught him the art of magical potion-making,
And Santa taught him the art of invention
And Eleanor taught him the art to fix toys
That become broke. We had so many good times together.
Santa, I and Eleanor grew to love him, very much.
But, by the time Belsnickel became a teenager, everything changed.
The spirit of Christmas had grown around the world, Santa had less time for Belsnickel, so Belsnickel became resentful of Santa, and more rebellious.

"Until, one day, he broke the elves code" mom said "what's the elves code?" Kate asked
"Lying" I said
"Envy" I said
"And selfishness" mom said.

"And is an elf commits every single one of those transgressions, they become cursed. And Belsnickel, well, he broke all five."

Back in story again:
He became a very naughty boy.
'The woophee cushion on Fleck'
And he kept getting naughtier.
'Making Bjorn fall on gum balls'
And naughtier.
'Soda can rounding and ripping up Eleanor's stuffed animal they worked on'
And when he broke the final transgression Belsnickel was stripped of the joy of being an elf.
"What are you doing? Why would you do that?"
"Because you care more about children all over the world then you care about me"
And with that, he transformed into the thing he despised the most, a human.
Clouded by anger and humiliation.
"No, no, wait! Wait"
"Belsnickel, come back!"
"Belsnickel don't leave!"
Belsnickel ran away from the village never to return.

"He was a naughty little elf... but I miss him"
Mom says " me too I miss him he was like a brother to me" I said looking down I felt someone hug me I looked to see Kate and I hugged her back.

"Okay. That's about enough for tonight. We get up at the crack of dawn around here" mom said walking towards the door "good night Mrs. Claus and Eleanor" Kate said same as Jack "goodnight guys see you in the morning."

I said "good night children" she said and clapped twice for the light off.

As we went to bed in our chairs. (Sleep in chairs or bed)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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