~dinner & bedtime~

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Eleanor POV

My mom and the elves made dinner after we did some snow angels with the elves so when my dad has to take them back to Cancun they won't be hungry before heading back.

I had fun we showed them candy canes technology shop and video games and last but not least we showed them the tree also the cannons because the veil blocks out the snow from coming in the village so we use the cannons.

"Wow, this is dinner?" Kate asked "uh-huh" Jojo said I sat down next to Kate and my dad helped me grab some food while Jack and Kate sit down.

"Prepared by the north poles executive chef, Mrs. Clause" dad said "thank you Jojo" I said "your welcome, enjoy!" She said then walked away.  Jack and Kate grabbed some food they liked it.

Mom and dad finally sat down and ate when my dad asked Kate and Jack a question "so...I've been thinking... about how you got here" he said to Kate "all this business about coming through a wormhole."

Dad said to her "it's true. It was just like on your sleigh" Kate replied to him then Jack said something "only, instead of a sleigh, it was a golf cart" Jack said dad then made a hmm sound then my mom spoke up.

"Nick. I have a feeling this has something to do with Kate being a true believer mom said "yeah. What if it means that I'm supposed to live here with you guys in the North Pole" Kate said.

After hearing that me and my dad spat out our drink "excuse me?" He said "come on, Santa. I already speak elvish, I've been on the big ride, and I could bring a fresh perspective to the whole operation."

Kate said "when did this turn into a job interview?" My dad says chuckling 'exactly' I thought in my head, "please Santa anything would be better than going home to my mom and her boyfriend."

Kate said "I'm sitting right here, you know" Jack said looking at her but she just gave him a stare.

"I'm sure your mother loves you very much, more that you can ever imagine" my mom says "I don't know Mrs. Clause you should've seen how fast she ditched me for those Mayan ruins" Kate said.

"She's right about that. Our parents aren't even gonna get back to the resort until tomorrow afternoon" Jack said "come on, Santa, let us stay. Even just for a little bit?" Kate asked as my dad thought about it.

"Um-hmm. Mrs. Clause?" He asked mom "well, it would be so nice having children here..." Mom said "Is only just for one night" she says with a sigh at the end "um I'm here too" I said looking at her "oh I know your always here and I love your for that."

She said with a grin as I smiled back "please, Santa. Let us stay"
"We'll be good. I promise
"Just for one night. Please?"
"Come on"
"Well, I don't... I don't see the harm in it, but, uh... oh, why not? Absolutely." My dad said.

"Yes! Thank you Santa" Kate said.

Is Eleanor really jealous of Kate?
Yes or No?🙃

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