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Santa POV

After we got back into the village we were in the stables the elves putting away the parts of the sleigh "what in the world" Mrs. Clause said "what's happening?" She said "outside the veil, out on the ice pack. Nearly frozen."

I said "oh, dear. Jojo, start up some hot chocolate" I asked Jojo the elf "uh-huh" she said "and, Hugg, put in some thistle berry, jitterbug juice , and Cornish pixie dandruff."

She said to them

Mrs. Clause POV

"It's ready" Jojo said I happen to notice Eleanor come into the stables "what's happening?" She said as she looked at the two anonymous kids that were nearly frozen to death.

Eleanor POV

I went close to my mom but help to notice the girl looked so familiar...
It's Kate! The bestest friend I have ever had that one Christmas night with Teddy and my dad.

"Drink" my mom said putting the cup up to her mouth for her to drink it, as she drank it the ice felted off in an instant "there you go. Your gonna be alright Kate" mom said "how do you know who I am?."

She asked "oh, everyone knows who you are around here. We've all watched the tape of your little Christmas adventures from 2 years ago" mom said but as she said that Kate got the idea of who she is.

"Are you... Mrs. Clause?" She said with wide eyes "that's me" mom said she then looks at me I smile "Eleanor!" She says excited as she hugs me "hi Kate great to see you again."

Kate POV

After I saw Eleanor again she looks so different and my age now. I pulled away from the hug when I looked behind her and saw Santa.

"Santa!" As i ran to him Mrs . Clause went to Jack who is still frozen. I talked with Santa about my Christmas with that I wanted I did notice Jack was up now.

Eleanor POV

"Welcome to the North Pole Jack" my dad said as he jumped off the couch and ran over to us.
"Are you really...?" He said "I am" dad replies to him "uh-uh. No way. I must be dreaming."

He said as he turned to my mom "oh, your not dreaming, Jack. Your in Santa's village, the real one" dad says as he opened the doors from the stables.

"Nick I bet the children would like a tour of the village" mom said to dad "of the village? A tour? Of course! Would you?" He asked them "are you kidding? I mean, that would be amazing" Jack said.

As my mom did her magic and they had warmer clothes on instead of a t-shirt and shorts to now they have a winter coat, gloves, hat and boots we went out and walked around I was walking in between Kate and jack.

"The village houses over a million elves. Now, if you combine Amazon, FedEx, the postal service, and ups, with every manufacturing company in the world, and they quadrupled their output for an entire year, well you just might be getting close to what we can accomplish."

Dad said with a longggg paragraph "so where's your work shop?" Jack asked "well your walking in it" he said.


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