"My girlfriend chatted me one evening that there's no people on their house. Without hesitation, although its already 11:55 in the evening, I jumped to my motor and trace the path to her. I was using the app downloaded in google play store. There were two suggested roads in the map, the familiar one and the less traveled by. Inspired to have new experience, I choose the novel path. Guided by the map, I was able to meet some people who are talking at the middle of the highway. I was curious, why they chose to talk at the middle. Lucky enough for me, 10 meters away from the people, I met an uncemented road. My face kissed the floor, my motor slid on the muddy ground. I was wearing a helmet, it saved me.I raised my motor while looking back to the people behind me, they witnessed my demise but no one dared to run and helped me. When I lift my face, I saw the bright stars surrounded me and the bright moon. I continued the journey while listening to the singing crickets in the less traveled road. After 10 minutes, I returned to cemented highway. I successfully found the house of my girlfriend, she's not there. Indeed, no one is on their house.
I drove home with a heavy heart. I kept this story secret to my girlfriend, ladies and gentlemen."
I continued to sober, the people in front of me were laughing while crying. Looking to the casket of my girlfriend, Joy.
Tonight is her last night.
#grandisonpen #Inktober #day5challenge #Map
Cerita PendekThis is my output during the INKTOBER 2023. I wrote a Flash Fiction every day during the month of October. I hope you enjoy this simple compilation.