Coming out: A Rough Journey

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It was really difficult for me to come out. After I realized I was lesbian, I waited months to tell anyone. Once I started coming out to people, it got easier though (partially because it was on accident a couple of times). I first came out to one of my friends because they asked me about my sexuality (we ended up dating but it only lasted for a few weeks; we ended it on good terms and are still close friends though). One of my friends was eager to help me tell some of my other friends for me (after I gave her permission to), so it wasn't too difficult of a process. 

I was outed to my parents, which was pure chaos (in a bad way). Not because they weren't supportive, they're cool with me being queer, it was more about the circumstances. The couple of people who outed me did it completely by accident, they didn't know I wasn't out to my parents because I hadn't met either of them (it's a long story). I still haven't come out to one of my friends or most of my family, but I'm not too worried about that. I'm lucky enough to have a supportive family, at least to my knowledge.

I'm only out to people I know in person as nonbinary and lesbian (again, as I said earlier, I was wrong). I haven't mentioned anything else to anyone. I'm also demiromantic and transmasc. I don't care enough to tell my friends/family about that though. Also, it took a month of getting misgendered and an argument in a restaurant (I'll talk about that in a later "chapter") to get my parents to at least sort of understand what being nonbinary means, so I don't want to bother with any of that yet. Most of my friends should know what transmasc means, and some probably know the term demiromantic. I don't know if I feel like explaining any of that when it's kind of unimportant (for my friends to know, at least). If any of them read this by chance I don't care though. I want to write about this in case it helps me or anyone else, so if my friends read it I'm cool with that.

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