Scene 2 (The Museum)

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Sophie Foster: Look up at Fitz Vacker

Fitz Vacker: Spot Sophie Foster, lean on display

Fitz Vacker: Shrug off display, walk toward Sophie Foster slowly, smile

Fitz Vacker: "Is this you?" Point to picture

Fitz Vacker: "I didn't realize your eyes were brown."

Sophie Foster: "Uh... yeah. Why?"

Fitz Vacker: Shrug "No reason..."

Sophie Foster: "Are you in this class?"

Fitz Vacker: Smile "No."

Fitz Vacker: Point to Albertosaurus "Tell me something. Do you really think that's what they looked like? It's a little absurd, isn't it?"

Sophie Foster: "Not really." "Why? What do you think they looked like?"

Fitz Vacker: Laugh "Never mind. I'll let you get back to your class. It was nice to meet you, Sophie." Turn to leave

Two kindergarteners: Scream, babble, run, enter

Sophie Foster: Close eyes, rub temples. Look around nervously, lock eyes with Fitz

Fitz Vacker: Have hands on temples, look down

Fitz Vacker: Whisper "Did you just... hear that?"

Sophie Foster: Look shocked. Pause. Gasp. Step away

Sophie Foster: Whisper "Who are you?"

Fitz Vacker: Eyes widen "You did- didn't you?" Walk closer... lean in.

Fitz Vacker: Whisper "Are you a telepath?"

Sophie Foster: Flinch

Fitz Vacker: "You are! I can't believe it!"

Sophie Foster: Back out toward exit

Fitz Vacker: "It's okay!" Hold out hands calmingly "You don't have to be afraid. I'm one too."

Sophie Foster: Freeze

Fitz Vacker: "My name's Fitz."Step closer

Fitz Vacker: "I'm not joking."

Sophie Foster: Wobble feet

Fitz Vacker: "It's okay, Sophie. I'm here to help you. We've been looking for you for twelve years."

Sophie Foster: Bolt away outside

Fitz Vacker: Follow Sophie "Sophie come back!"

Fitz Vacker: "Wait. You don't have to be afraid!"

Sophie Foster: Run across street, stop halfway. Look starstruck as car comes toward you

Sophie Foster: Stab hand into air, stopping lantern... look up, gasp

Fitz Vacker: "Put it down!"

Sophie Foster: Shriek, yank arm away.

Fitz Vacker: "Watch out!!" Yank Sophie out of lantern's reach

Both: Sink and fall onto sidewalk, Sophie on top of Fitz

Fitz Vacker: Whisper "How did you do that?"

Sophie Foster: Get off Fitz "I have no idea..."

Fitz Vacker: "We have to get out of here." Point to car driver

Sophie Foster: "He saw!'

Fitz Vacker: Pull Sophie up "Come on, let's get out of sight."

Fitz Vacker: Drag Sophie across the street

Fitz Vacker: "Which way?"

Both: Run toward the zoo

Sophie Foster: "What do you want?"

Fitz Vacker: "I want to help you, I promise."

Sophie Foster: "Why were you looking for me?" "tug out" eyelash

Fitz Vacker: Hesitate "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you."

Sophie Foster: "How am I supposed to trust you if you won't answer my questions?"

Fitz Vacker: Consider "Okay, fine- but I don't know much. My father sent me to find you. We've been looking for a specific girl your age, And I was supposed to observe and report back to him, like always. I wasn't supposed to talk to you." Frown "I just couldn't figure you out. you don't make sense."

Sophie Foster: "What does that mean?"

Fitz Vacker: "It means you're... different from what I expected. your eyes really threw me off."

Sophie Foster: "What's wrong with my eyes?" Touch eyelids

Fitz Vacker: "We all have blue eyes, so when I saw them, I figured we had the wrong girl again. But we didn't." Look at Sophie in awe "You're really one of us."

Sophie Foster: Hold up hands in retreat "Whoa. hang on. what do you mean, 'one of us'?"

Fitz Vacker: Glance over shoulder frown Look at crowd Call Sophie toward deserted corner of parking lot "Okay- there's no easy way to explain this, so I'm just going to say it. We're not human, Sophie."

Sophie Foster: Look stunned "Not human? Riiiiiiight." Shake head

Sophie Foster: move towards sidewalk

Fitz Vacker: "Where are you going?"

Sophie Foster: "You're insane- and I'm insane for trusting you." Kick ground and stomp away 

Fitz Vacker: "I'm telling the truth!" Call out "Just think for a minute, Sophie."

Sophie Foster: Stop walking. Face Fitz Vacker.

Fitz Vacker: "Can humans do this?" Stand still for special effects.

Sophie Foster: Lean against car, bewildered. "But I can't do that!" Speak shakily and step closer.

Fitz Vacker: "You have no idea what you can do when you set your mind to it. Think about what you did to that pole a few minutes ago."

Sophie Foster: Tilt head. Look scared, pull away from Fitz.


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