The Collision Expands - Chapter 44 - The Boys

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The same scene; open door of the back seat of a cop car;

Donny- "What the hell were you thinking!?" Linnie 's scolding me. She furious and I really don't know what to say.

"Your brother is in danger back home and you picked now to settle some old score!?" She yells.

To explain, after we left the prison to go back to New Jersey to help my brother but then Spencer stopped us and advised us not to do anything yet since Agent Neil doesn't know we're on to him. Or more likely, he's strategically waiting before he strikes. We went back to his law firm to discuss it further.

On the way, Linnie remarked that she's happy that Carl apologized to me for everything. I didn't say it in front of Carl but I didn't believe a damn thing he said when he "apologized" to me. I said as much to Linnie and we got into a bit of a tiff. But then we decided to table that discussion and focus on the danger that's sure to take place in the coming weeks or even months.

My ire was already pretty high because of the argument so when I saw Nathan, the man that Brook cheated on me with when we were engaged, my blood started boiling even stronger. This is the first time I've seen him since that incident and I never gave him his comeuppance but why was he here now.

It all happened so fast before I punched him in the face (in broad daylight, like an idiot). He started taunting me and Spencer and revealed that he followed Brook here from California to "win her back".

Then he said something about how he and Brook were sleeping together recently when she and Spencer were on that little break. Then I got flashbacks from catching Brook and Nathan all those years ago and I just snapped and decked him in the face.

Now, I'm cuffed and sitting in the backseat of a cop car with the door open where Linnie is rightfully reprimanding me. I sit there silently, afraid to look her in the eyes.

"I am beyond disappointed in you right now," Linnie continues, "I can't believe you did that! We're engaged and expecting a child and now you're facing assault charges! And for what, to take up for the honor of another woman, your ex-fiancé Brook. I thought you were past this petty crap, I thought we were past this petty crap. Clearly I was wrong. And don't you dare blame me for riling you up in the car about Carl. He was clearly trying to make amends with you but, NO, Mr. Red Pill thinks he knows everything.

"Here's what I know," she continues, "Carl was right about you and so was Spencer. Spencer's changed for the better but clearly you haven't. Except now, you're no longer the scared little boy, you're the impulsive, paranoid stupid boy. I don't know if we can come back from this." Now I turn to face her. Now I see how how upset and hurt she really is. As much as I don't want to believe I know, she means everything she's saying.

"Oh, don't try to get sympathy from me this time with those puppy dog eyes." Linnie continues, "I'd give you this engagement ring back but they don't allow jewelry in prison. There's no cute little speeches that will make me change my mind. And if by some miracle, Spencer convinces Nathan to drop the charges, we're done! So you're free to get back together with your baby momma, Candace." I've already begun to cry myself and I actually start seeing her get teary eyed and I'm a little taken aback by her statement.

"I have no intention to get back with Candy." I finally speak up, quietly.

"You say that now," she says, "but once you and her start getting involved with her divorce and your custody battle with Carlo, you'll find your way back into each other's arms!"

Now, she starts getting hysterical. If I wasn't cuffed, I'd try to comfort her but I know she'd pull away anyways. I can tell that this hurts her more than anything else. To be honest, I haven't thought of that but her concerns are valid

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