Chapter 5

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Continuing from the night at the bar


So the event is winding down and I've been eager to speak with Donny the whole time. I'm still processing the information I learned from Janine. After I saw my Dad, he and Spencer were off talking and meeting people and then they both gave speeches, so I was pretty much on my own to chat with other friends I know from Dad's/Spencer's office and having afew cocktails. Spencer won't let me drive anymore anyways so I may as well enjoy it

It's strange; on the ride from to here from our loft, Spencer and I actually were talking about finally setting a date for our wedding now that he got this promotion. I must say I was shocked by this because we haven't talked about that in months and he's the one that brought it up. I was actually in happy spirits upon walking into the club with the blue gown I didn't like but all that went away when I spotted Donny on stage for a second and as I mentioned, that instinctively made me feel self-conscience and I don't know why.

But I did know that I did not like this blue dress and went outside for a second while Spencer was looking away and came back in and I pretended to be a cluts and tell Spencer my (ugly) beautiful dress got drenched. He wasn't really paying attention anyways so I quickly dashed into the laies room which was right next to the entrance, lucky for me, and pulled out the gorgeous black gown I'd been hiding under the (stupid) blue dress.

Why did seeing Donny make me feel this way? Was it from the shock of not expecting him to be here? Is it the fact that I was just reflecting on our budding friendship during the drive from Jersey? Or is it the fact that he's playing the guitar wearing dress pants and a white tank top undershirt (probably because the rain drenched his other dress clothes) with his sweaty, rainy hair and he looks, dare I say, sexy. I don't know what it is but this is silly, I'm in love with Spencer and devoted to him and we're about to plan our wedding/future (again, finally).

Besides, there's no way Donny would like me like that, but then again, he's come off as pretty aloof at times, so I don't what's going on in his mind; he's an enigma. To be fair, I've only known him for only a couple of weeks. We met on Monday morning and now it's Friday night. I'm just feeling really shy all of a sudden especially now that I know that I kind of knew of him all along through Chad and Janine. This has got to be kismet, right? I don't even know if he's seen me yet but it doesn't matter, I still know he's here. So that's why I'm distracting myself with friends and alchohol.


What is happening? Why is it happening? How is it happening? I'm not even really sure where I am. Am I in another dimension? Most importantly, who the hell am I? This is what I'm thinking right now as our last set finishes and the event is ready to end. I've been ogling Carolynn ever since she came in, I'm sure she's seen me by now since I've been playing on stage. I know she wants to talk to me, but I feel all choked up seeing her. I haven't felt this way since Brooke. I need a drink. I go over to the bar and order a straight scotch with no ice and I down it one shot.

"There you are," it's her I know it even before I turn around, "I've been wondering where you disseappered to." Before I turn around I tell the bar tender to order another one as she sits next to me at the bar as she orders herself a martini

"Hey, you!" idiot, idiot, idiot why am saying it like that?! What is wrong with me?! Get a grip!

"Funny, finding you here, Donald," she began with a giggle. That's right! I know the name of the person I've been hearing about for years. This has to be a coincedence.

"Well hello, Linnie," I say after I down the second Scotch, "I'm glad we finally met...again."

"Isn't it funny," she begins, "we were complete strangers a couple weeks ago and we've become friendly, but now we know we're not complete strangers after all."

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