The Collision Expands - Chapter 43 - Brook

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At Brook's accounting job in Manhattan; moments after the previous chapter;

Brook- God, why are we so busy?! It's not even tax season! I've been grinding away at work, punching in tedious calculations. Still, it's a welcome distraction from everything going on in our lives now.

Of course, I'm overjoyed that Spencer and I are engaged and happy and unlike how he was with Linnie, Spencer set a date. It's around the same time as Donny and Linnie. I'm happy for them, too. Yes, I think a part of me will always love Donny but he's not my endgame. Spencer is.

But although I'm very happy that we've moved forward like this in our relationship, we hardly see each other lately. He's been really busy with Carl's upcoming trial and I'd really like nothing more than to be with him and support him, as much as my job allows. But because my work's been so busy, I'm not with him and I feel like I'm neglecting him a little. When we are able to make time for each other it's very brief. We either have a real quick lunch together or at night, we make love (btw with all the stress he's going through, the sex is out of this world).

I know I should be thankful for the little things. And I am, I really am. It's just that I feel like there's something I'm forgetting about. Call me paranoid and pessimistic but I feel like there's something really important that I need to talk to Spencer about. It's a dark cloud hovering over me that I feel like if I don't figure out what it is soon, that dark cloud will rain down a toxic storm that could change the foundation of my relationship with Spencer.

Just as I'm about to finish calculating these expenses for a client, I get a call. It's Linnie? What does she want? I thought Spencer was bringing her and Donny to meet with Carl.

"Linnie? What's going on?" I ask. Linnie sounds like she's out of breath.

"You better get down to Spencer's office right now!" Linnie shouts

"Why what happened?" Just as I ask that I hear police sirens in the background of the call. I know, it's New York, but the sirens sound like they're very close to where Linnie is which tells me they're outside.

"Look, just get hear so you can explain why my fiance punched some guy and is now getting hauled off to jail when we really need to be going home. Everyone there is in danger." Linnie says. I'm so confused

"I don't understand. What guy and what does that have to do with me?" I ask

"We can talk more when you get down here," Linnie says, "but let me ask you a question: who the hell is Nathan?" Oh, shit! That's what I was forgetting! He must have followed me here after I left California. Oh, shit, again! This is the first time Donny's seen Nathan since I cheated on Donny with Nathan almost six years ago now and there's a final Oh, shit; I never told Spencer about what happened with me and Nathan when we were on our little break.

I've got to get down there now!

Several moments later; outside the front of the entrance to Spencer's law firm;

"Is it true, Brook?" Spencer asked. I just arrived at the front of the law firm. I still haven't got my bearings when Spencer almost accosts me with this question.

"Is what true, Spencer?" I ask, completely confused. I notice Linnie standing in the back next to a cop car and there's an ambulance on scene

"When you were in California," Spencer says, "you had a physical relationship with this Nathan fellow?" Oh, shit. For the first time since I've known him, I see that Spencer is heartbroken.

"I was going to tell you," I say, "but I forgot about it. I didn't know he was going to follow me back here."

"I am aware that we were broken up at the time," Spencer says, "but I harbored all these guilty feelings about my kissing lessons, when you were having an affair with the same man that caused the end to your previous engagement to Donny. I may not like Donny but now I understand how he felt." He begins to walk away

"Spencer, please, don't walk away," I plead, "this doesn't have to be like this. You've come so far. Spencer." He turns around, now looking angry

"Yes," he says, "and look where that's gotten me. My old self was a lot of things but I wasn't cheater. You can even ask Linnie."

"Please, Spencer, I beg you," I say in desperation, "please tell me how I can fix this!"

"The only thing I'd like from you is to give me back that year I wasted wanting to be better for you," Spencer says, "things were a lot simpler for me when I was the "sociopath". So since you cannot give me all that time back, I'd say the more practical gesture you can make is give me that damn ring back."

"What?!" I cry. Nonononono! This can't be happening, "Spencer, please don't do this."

"Give me the ring, Brook, or I will have you arrested for grand larceny." He says. And just like that, he's back to the old Spencer like with just a flip of a switch. "Another thing you can do is lose my number and stay the hell away from me forever! So I suggest you ride in the ambulance with your beau because now you're free to be with that man." I can't even respond to him, I'm a whimpering mess of tears right now. I gingerly slide the ring off and hand it to him and he begins to walk away. "Oh, and one last thing, Brook," Spencer says, turning back around to face me and for a millisecond I feel the slightest bit of hope. "I highly suggest you do not speak to Donny and Carolynn because you're partly to blame for why they're perfect relationship is on the verge of collapse." With that, Spencer turns and walks away and never look back

I look over at Linnie and I see that she's very upset and the person she's arguing with that's in the cop car is obviously Donny. What have I done?

End of Chapter. Please comment and vote

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