I plan to confront Derek about last nights events, but he doesn't show. None of them do. Natalie catches me staring at their table during lunch. "Told you. They're never here. Usually Derek's the only one to grace us with his presence. Guess they've really got him now." I want to tell her they're not a cult. I want to say that they're weird monsters with fangs and glowing eyes. I want to say that nothing makes sense now and if they exist then what else does? But I don't.
I simply nod. "Hey, you should come to my party tonight." I start to say no, but she presses on. "It'll be a total rager, and no parents!" She wiggles her fingers at me. What's the harm? "Alright." I agree. She squeals and hugs me. "You wont regret it! Be at my house 9:00 P.M sharp!" I roll my eyes. Whatever.
8:45 P.M
I'm struggling to put on eyeliner when a soft knock distracts me. It's Claudia. She stands by outside my door, holding a tray with sliced apple bits. Aw. I'm touched. Really. I invite her in and she has a seat on my bed. I resume my struggle. She watches me for a few moments before speaking up. "Are you going out?" I wince and out down the pencil. "No."
She simply smiles and places the tray down. "I see. Well, have a good time." She shoots me a knowing smile as she makes her way out of my room. "Are you really going in that?" A voice calls from the hallway. I look down at my jeans and sexy low-cut top. I don't know how, but somehow she knows. I follow her into the hallway where she leads me to her and Noah's room. I've never been in here.
It's nice and everywhere you look is evidence of its inhabitants. A tidy pile of clothes. Shoes in a neat stack. Movie posters and a basic blue bed-set. She opens her closet and rummages before pulling out a small black dress. I gasp. It's beautiful...and scandalous. Its sides are sheer lace and it's shorter than anything I own. "I was your age not too long ago. Go and have fun." She smiles and hands the dress off to me.
"I trust you're smart enough not to make bad decisions." Sure, if bad decisions are shaped like bottles and cans. I shoot her a grateful smile. "Thank you." And then I'm gone, back to my room to try on the dress. It fits amazingly well and stops just below my thighs. My mother would kill me if she saw me wearing something like this. I can just see her disapproving face now.
Smiling into my bathroom mirror, I grab a small bag and walk downstairs carefully in my heels. When I arrive to the given address, you could probably hear the blasting music 2 streets down. Natalie lives in an impressive two story house, complete with a large backyard and pool. Cars are lined up all along the street, no doubt spectators to the party. Natalie herself is in the middle of chugging a beer can when she spots me.
"Raina! My main girl!" She slurs. I leave her to be and make my way outside. People are everywhere.
Dancing, standing, in the pool, sitting. I dance for a few songs then make my way to one of the five bathrooms in her house. Nice. Even the toilet paper is smooth and expensive, embroidered with a symbol I've never seen before. I ignore the girl completely hurling her guts up in the toilet and focus on my hair, which I splash some water on.It'll frizz up later, but oh well. I have a few more drinks on the way down and can already feel myself getting woozy when I leave. I pat a completely passed out Natalie on the back when I spot her in the bushes in front of her house. I stagger out into the street and begin walking home. I begin to feel uncomfortable when I realize just how late it is and how dark it is.
It's giving me strange deja vu from the night before. I take a short cut through the woods when I hear a twig snap. I turn unsteadily. Nothing. A mouse scampers over my exposed feet, causing me to shriek. I leap up and accidentally trip over a branch. My head slams into the base of a tree and I groan as I feel hot liquid trickle down my face. Great.
I look up and almost shit myself. Towering above me is a black monstrous creature. At this point, I'm so out of it for a second, that I wonder if I'm hallucinating. Then it opens its mouth and I know it's real. I scream and then it runs away, gone from my sight impossibly fast. My mouth clamps shut. Am I even awake right now? But the searing pain in my head is evidence that I am.
I wobble up and jump as a herd of..deer? Rush past me and knock me over again. My head slams into a rock this time and I black out, completely gone.

𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓾𝓼𝓮 || Derek Hale
مستذئبCurious. Regina Stilinski has been curious her whole life, and when her parents divorce, forcing her to come live with her cousin, Noah Stilinski, that becomes a dangerous thing. After being bitten accidentally and illegally by a rogue werewolf, her...