The moon shines brightly down on me as I run through the stalks. The feeling of exhilaration is like nothing I've ever felt before. It I break the tree-line and tackle Derek to the ground. We roll and laugh. Surprisingly his body weight is not too much. It rests on me comfortably. His hands rest on either sides of my head.
He lowers his head and our lips brush feather-light. The result is almost painful. Electricity shoots through me, practically paralyzing me it's so strong. It feels like a million strings tying around one thing at the center of the universe. Because of that, I roll out from underneath him and stare at the stars.
He doesn't say anything and rolls over next to me. We stare at the moon. I break the silence. "What did Peter mean when he said I was your 'mate'?" He props himself up on his elbow to peer down at me. He shrugs. "Don't listen to him. He's just trying to mess with you. He resents my mother because she claimed the title of Alpha before him. And after her, it'll be Laura. He never had a chance."
"And it loosely translates werewolf terms for...girlfriend/boyfriend." Oh. My cheeks redden.
He turns over on his side. "So, when will I be able to change into a wolf?" I ask, changing the subject. He pops up. "Maybe not for a while. It takes us born werewolves years to learn and be able to do it on command. I'm here to teach you how to semi-Change. And control the bloodlust." He draws a symbol in the dirt.
It's a spiral pointing in the three different directions. "This is my family crest. The Triskellion. It represents the sun, the moon, and the truth." I gaze at him for a moment. "Can you transform into a wolf?" He looks up with a mischievous look. "You wanna see?" I nod. He stands up and removes his shirt. My eyes widen. For a sixteen year-old, he is fit. His collarbone and abdomen are toned.
Derek must notice my obvious panick because he grins. "Don't worry. I'm not getting naked. Yet." Wait, what? He completes the process, pulling down his pants. Now he just stands in underwear. It's all I can do to stare. He inhales deeply, his chest rising.
Then he opens his eyes. They're regular yellow now, like the others. Slowly I watch as he seems to bend in on himself. His bones crack and rearrange as he morphs. Fur replaces his skin, and paws replace his hands and feet. His face grows outwards until it's a snout, complete with whiskers. Then it's finished.
Derek is black wolf. Black as the night. He sits on his haunches and studies me with all too human eyes. Then as soon as he's there, he twisting and cracking and morphing again, reverting back to his original self. It becomes blatantly clear that the clothes do not morph with the skin. I gasp and turn as he rises to his full height. With my back to him, I wait.
There's a rustling noise, and some footsteps. "You could've warned me." I call over my shoulder. I can practically hear his shrug. "I did. I said I wasn't getting naked yet." Whatever. I shake my head. "Okay, I'm decent." I turn, and he's closer than I thought so we're standing nose-to-nose. Or rather, nose to chest. He towers over me by a good five inches.
"There's someone I want you to meet." He whispers. I just nod. He grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers. I wish I could say he doesn't hear my sudden spike in heartbeat, but that's a lie. I know he does. But his face betrays nothing. He leads me through the trees for a while, and I don't ask questions. I've learned not to.
He lets go of my hand, startling me. "Wait here." Then he disappears. I tap my foot waiting. Slowly, three figures simultaneously appear out of the dark. I jump. But one of them is...little. I can hear their erratic heartbeats. They step into the moonlight. Derek leads two girls. One little and one older. Perhaps older than him.
She smiles warmly at me and shakes my hand firmly. "This is Laura. My big sister. And this is Cora, my little sister." Oh wow. Cora is absolutely adorable, and can't be more than eight. Laura is debatable, perhaps twenty? But they all sport the same chocolate brown eyes. Talia's genes are strong, I guess.
"Well hi, Cora." I stoop down to her height. She stares shyly at me before slowly extending a hand. "You're prettier than Derek's last girlfriend." My eyebrows raise exponentially. "Cora!" Laura scolds. Derek holds a hand over his face, hiding. I snicker. "Well thank you. It's nice to meet you." I shake her dainty hand. She scampers away and hides behind Laura's leg, peeking out.
Sharp and blinding pain hits me in the abdomen. I double over gasping. Derek is immediately at my side, holding me up. "The Full Moon has reached its full peak. It's time for her to change. Take Cora. I'll take care of Regina." She nods worriedly and grabs Cora. They disappear in a matter of moments.
Derek tows me through the forest until we stop at an opening. "In here, I come here all the time." He lifts me down as another wave a pain hits followed by a wave of anger. I'm sure I must look like a hot mess right now. Rage is coursing through my body and I just want to hit something. To tear it apart. Kill it even.
I'm growling in a corner when Derek drops down. He lights a torch. The area is small. Large roots come from the ceiling and touch the floor. Spiderwebs hang. "Regina? Listen. You have to change. The rage won't stop. You have to find an anchor. Someone you're really close to."
"I can't!" I moan, writhing on the ground. I can feel my face morphing and changing. Into a monster's no doubt. "You have to accept yourself. Don't push your wolf away. Because there is no wolf. You are the wolf, Regina. You are the wolf." No! I see red. Accept the wolf. How can I? I don't want to be a monster!
As I think this, I feel my nails pricking, like a knife is being wedged under them. I bite down, hard. Then I taste blood in my mouth. It's bitter. Accept it. Find an anchor. I think of my father. My sweet, loving father. His laughing eyes. His never-ending smile. Then I see another memory. My breathing slows.
We're sitting outside on the sidewalk. I'm crying because I've fallen off my bike and skinned my knee. "You know what I always say?" My father asks. "No."
"If at first you don't succeed, then try, try again. Cmon kiddo." The world around me slows. I get up and dry my tears. Then I lift up my bike. Sniff. "Do you need me to give you a push?" I nod. "Okay. Here we go." I hold on right as my father pushes me. He lets go, and I kick my pedals, riding all the way down the street.
I open my eyes. The pain has stopped and I feel strangely serene. Derek is looking at me with wonder, I think. "You did it." He laughs.
"You found an anchor." I sigh in relief. I did it. "Look." He whispers. And I do. My hands are normal. I feel my teeth. They're smooth to the touch. I really did it. I beat the monster inside.~~~
Derek walks me home. We stop by the side of my house. Noah's car is missing. He's not home yet. Lucky. I turn to face Derek. "Thank you. Truly." Then I throw my arms over his shoulders and I hug him. His arms close around me similarly. I pull back. That electricity between us rises again. And it reflects in our eyes, again. "So-" our lips crash together. All passion and warmth.
His hand winds into my hair as he kisses me almost desperately, like a starving man eating food for the first time. Hi lips are soft but demanding. My arms clutch his biceps for support. All of my thoughts go out the window and I'm tied to this one moment. Here and now. He is all that there ever was and there ever will be. The strings turn into chains, which in turn morph into steel ropes. Iron-tight, and pulling us together.
I know he's feeling what I'm feeling because he holds me like I might run at any moment. But I won't. Nothing could possibly break me from this moment.
We break apart. Claudia stands by the side of the house, holding a trash bag uncertainly. Fuck. I blink. Then reluctantly untangle myself from him. He tightens his hold on my wrist as I turn to leave. "Wait. I'll pick you up for school tomorrow." I nod. "Okay." He releases me and doesn't move. Not even when I round the corner and I'm lost from his sight. My heart races. He hasn't moved. I don't know how I know that, but I can feel it.
Claudia simply gives me a reprimanding look. I give her no time for scolding and immediately run up the stairs, all too eager to escape her disapproving gaze. I run to the window and throw it open. He stands in my yard, staring up at me. I smile and shake my head. Go. I mouth. He sends me a grin and runs off into the woods.
After I can no longer feel the electricity, I shut the window. Then I collapse on my bed, completely exhausted from the day's events.

𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓾𝓼𝓮 || Derek Hale
Loup-garouCurious. Regina Stilinski has been curious her whole life, and when her parents divorce, forcing her to come live with her cousin, Noah Stilinski, that becomes a dangerous thing. After being bitten accidentally and illegally by a rogue werewolf, her...