A Lustful Encounter

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Ben and Pandemonica continue through Hell, with the temperature being a bit much for Ben. This is due to the immense amount of fire around, as well as rivers and lakes of lava everywhere.

All the heat causes Ben to slow down, lagging behind Pandemonica.

Pandemonica: "Come on, Ben. We still have a ways to go before we make it to Lucifer's castle." She looks back, a small sadistic smile on her face. "Unless you want me to leave you behind, all on your own, left to the mercy of other demons?"

Ben: "Okay, okay! Just give me a minute!" He panicked as he takes off his jacket, wrapping it around his waist. "There. You don't need to leave me behind now."

Ben's panic at being abandoned is satisfactory for Pandemonica's sadistic tendencies, for now, so she drops her sadistic smile.

Pandemonica: "Oh, don't worry Ben. I wasn't going to actually leave you behind. After all, I am required to assist anyone down here, what with being Hell's Customer Service." She yawns. "Besides, I still need that coffee from you."

Ben: "Yeah, I figured as much."

Ben and Pandemonica continue their walk through Hell.

Ben: "Hey, if I may ask, why did you become Hell's Customer Service?" He says, trying to make some small talk. "I've heard that customer service is incredibly stressful."

Pandemonica: "It can be a bit stressful from time to time." She pushes her glasses up. "However, very few people are dumb enough to provoke me."

Ben: "And the ones that are?"

Pandemonica: "I would break every bone in their bodies, and proceeded to torture them for weeks." She smirks sadistically. "I can't even begin to describe all the terrible things I did to them."

Ben: "O-Oh. Well, I'm sure that most people that work customer service would like to do that to them." He looks off to the side. 'Better remind myself to not get on her bad side.'

Ben and Pandemonica continue traveling through Hell, and Ben notices Pandemonica's behavior. She occasionally stumbles, and she yawns almost every minute.

Ben: "Hey, you alright? You seem pretty tired."

Pandemonica: "I'm fine, really." She yawns, taking a sip of her coffee. "While a break would be most appreciated, you still require my assistance. I refuse to rest until I get you home."

Ben has a neutral look on his face, and he grabs the sleeve of Pandemonica's shirt, making the Demon stop in her tracks.

Ben: "I don't need, or want, my guide to collapse on me. So let's stop and rest for a little while, okay?"

A faint blush appears on Pandemonica's face, and a small smile appears on her face.

Pandemonica: "Fine. But only for a few minutes."

Ben nods as he and Pandemonica go over to sit down on a large rock. As the two sit down, Pandemonica pulls Ben onto her lap, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close

Pandemonica: "I shall use your body to snuggle with. Do you have a problem with that?"

Ben: "I-I don't have a problem with it." Ben blushes while laying on Pandemonica's chest. "Y-You can go ahead and s-sleep now."

Pandemonica makes a small, almost inaudible sound. Soon after, the sound of snoring can be heard from her.

Ben sighs as he continues to lay on Pandemonica's chest.

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