Angelic Intervention

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Ben wakes up with Judgement's arms wrapped tightly around his head, with his head nestled in Judgment's breasts.

Ben tries to free himself of Judgement's grasp, but her fails, with Judgement's arms tightening around him.

Ben: "Judgement, I need to get up."

Judgement quietly groans as she slowly wakes up.

Judgment: "Nooooo." She says with a tired voice, eyes remaining closed. "I don't want to get up."

Ben: "I know, but I need to make breakfast for you and the girls."

Judgement groans again, nestling her head into Ben's neck.

Ben: "Fine. I guess Justice will have to know that you're the reason she didn't get breakfast on time."

Almost immediately, Judgement springs out of bed, finally freeing Ben from her grasp.

Ben: "That's what I thought." He pulls himself out of bed, yawning and rubbing the tiredness from his eyes. "Since you're up, can you give me some help?"

Judgement quickly nods, before grabbing Ben's arm and pulling him out of the room.


After a couple of hours, the house is in full swing, and the girls are each doing their respective activities/jobs.

Ben is watching as Malina is playing a game on the TV, when Modeus comes in and sits down sideways on Ben's lap, a book in hand. Ben blushes slightly from Modeus's position on him.

Ben: "Hello, Modeus." He puts his hand on her back. "Next time, could you just ask if you want to sit down on my lap?"

Modeus: "Okay. I'll remember that next time."

Modeus begins to read her book, leaning slightly against Ben as she does.

Just a few moments later, Zdrada enters the room, going up behind Ben and wrapping her arms around his neck. Zdrada tightens her arms, lightly choking Ben.

Ben: "Is there a reason you're trying to choke me, Zdrada?"

Zdrada: "What made you think it was me~?"

Ben: "Only you or Monica would do this, and she said the coffee was excellent as always, so she wouldn't have any reason to choke me."

Zdrada hums, before blowing her breath out in Ben's face. While she wasn't currently smoking, the heavy scent of smoke could still be smelled.

Ben coughs, moving his arm to push Zdrada away from him. Zdrada giggles as Ben pushes her away, and she complies, unwrapping her arms from around Ben's neck.

Zdrada: "Alright, alright~." She cackles as she walks away. "See ya later!"

Ben playfully rolls his eyes, before looking down to his right, immediately spotting the pleading eyes of Cerberus.

Cerberus: "Play with us, master!"

Ben: "I'm sorry, I can't right now." He gestures to Modeus. "She's already claimed her spot."

Cerberus whimpers, and the middle one nudges her hand against Ben's hand. Ben then uses said hand and starts petting Cerberus, who quietly whines.

Ben: "Just take turns, 'kay?"

The other two Cerbs nod their heads, with the middle one too busy with pets to care.

Lucy walks into the room, a paper in hand. She spots Ben and walks over to him.

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