Another Trip

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Ben is currently sitting in the living room, drinking a cup of coffee while watching Malina play a game on the TV.

The scurrying of three sets of footprints could be heard running into the living room.

Ben: "Hm?" He looks behind him. "What's-?"

Cerberus all leap at Ben, pushing him off of the couch and onto the floor, which causes his coffee to spill all over the floor

Ben: "Cerberus!? What the hell!?"

Cerb 2: "Master! Master!" She is right on top of him. "We found something outside!

Ben: "What?" He sits up, Cerb 2 still on him. "What did you find?"

Cerb 3: "It's a small.....thing hiding in the backyard!"

Ben: "Thing? What'd it look like?"

Cerb 1: "It had two pointy ears!" She points at her teeth. "It also had sharp teeth and kept making weird sounds!"

The cogs turn in Ben's brain before realizing what they might be talking about.

Ben: "Are you talking about a cat?"

Cerberus: "Yes! A cat!" They all say in unison. "But it was very small!"

Ben: "So a kitten." He gently pushes Cerb 2 off of him before standing up. "Thank you for telling me. I'll....take care of it, I guess."

Cerberus: "You're welcome, master! The thing was hiding in one of the bushes by the fence!"

Ben: "Thank you again, Cerberus." He pets each Cerb individually. "I'll go check it out."

Each part of Cerberus enjoys the pets before Ben heading into the dining room, where the door to the backyard is.

From the sliding door, it can be seen that it's raining outside.

In the dining room, like usual, Pandemonica and Azazel are working on their individual tasks. But this time Ben's mother is also sitting at the table, drinking some lemonade.

Sandra: "Oh, hey sweetheart. Where are you going?"

Ben: "Cerberus said they're a kitten outside, so I'm going to grab it."

Sandra: "Really?" She stands up from the table. "I'll go grab a towel for the poor thing."

Sandra leaves to grab a towel and Ben opens the sliding door, before stepping outside and into the rain.

Ben slowly makes his way to the bushes at the fence line, and he could hear the quiet squeaks of a cat.

After a few moments, Ben makes it to the bush with all the noise. He then crouches down, and spots the kitten hiding under the bush.

The kitten is small and covered in dirt, so Ben is unsure what kind of cat it is.

Ben: "Hey, kitty." He reaches for the kitten, but he can't quite reach. "Pspspspspspsps."

Ben continues to reach for the kitten, and the kitten continues to make a lot of noise for its size.

Ben reaches and reaches, before finally being able to grab the kitten by the paw. He carefully pulls the kitten out, which is still making lots of sound, and carefully grabs the kitten by its body.

Ben: "There we go, little guy........or little girl." He holds the kitten against his chest. "You're so vocal, aren't you?"

Ben starts walking back to the sliding door, the rain starting to soak through his clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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