The Return

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Hex and Charmcaster stand before the Tennyson family, Gwen generating two pink mana disks in her hands.

Gwen: "Stay back!" Her hands are a little shaky. "Don't move a muscle!"

Charmcaster: "Oh, please!" She laughs. "You're strong, but not strong enough to beat the two of us!"

Hex: "Now, my dear niece, it's time to finish our vengeance against the Tennyson family."

Hex's staff glows bright red, and Charmcaster's hands glow bright pink.

Charmcaster: "You know, we were going to do this in front of Ben before sending him down to Hell, but I guess my uncle got a little excited."

Hex: "She is right. But it matters not." He points the staff at the family. "Regardless, we tortured him to near death. We couldn't send him down to Hell already dead, could we?"

Hex cackles as the energy builds up in his staff and in Charmcaster's hands, before shooting out in two powerful blasts,

Gwen creates a mana barrier in front of herself, but it immediately begins to crack under the force of the attacks.

Grandpa Max: "Gwen! Focus on absorbing more mana into the barrier."

Gwen: "G-Got it!"

Gwen closes her eyes, and mana starts coming out to the grass and trees around them, reinforcing the mana barrier.

Hex: "Truly remarkable. Such a shame that your talent is being wasted."

The beams from Hex and Charmcaster intensify, putting more pressure on the barrier.

Sandra: "Is there anything we can do to help her?"

Carl: "I don't know." He turns to Grandpa Max. "How can we help her?"

Grandpa Max: "There's only one thing, and only I can do it." He takes out an advanced laser pistol. "And that's to provide her backup."

Grandpa Max points his weapon at the two sorcerers, preparing to fire the moment the barrier breaks.

However, something unexpected happens.

A massive red portal opens up adjacent to the two groups. It's intense, electricity arching off of the portal and onto the ground.

The sudden portal makes Hex and Charmcaster momentarily halt their attack. This sudden halt allows Gwen to dispel the barrier, falling to her knees in exhaustion.

Hex: "No." He grits his teeth, gripping his staff. "There's no way he made it out alive."

Charmcaster: "We left him on death's front door, and then sent him to hell for good measure!" She pulls at her hair. "T-This has to be unrelated!"

Carl: "It appears you forgot one glaring detail in your miraculous plan."

Hex, seething with anger, glares at the Tennysons.

Hex: "And what would that be?"

Sandra: "Our son is far too stubborn to quit under any circumstance."

The portal suddenly grows more intense, and a figure can be seen coming out of the portal. A foot comes out of the portal, followed by the rest of the body, revealing Ben.

Ben: "Ah, glad to be back up here." The portal closes behind him. "It was way too hot down there for my liking. Though, I gotta say, the locals are pretty nice once you get to know them."

Gwen: "Wait..." She pants, standing up with Sandra's help. "You....made friends....with demons?"

Carl: "And just disappeared about a minute ago. How did you get back so quickly?"

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