Chapter 2

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He looked around the now lit up room.
Screens were everywhere, projecting the face of the ‘victim’, aka the special infectee.
He couldn’t believe it.

He looked over to the glass cage in the middle of the room.
Right there, in the middle, was a petite boy, curled up into a ball. Even from here you could tell he was a mental mess.
Hyunjin almost stumbled towards it, being stabbed by shock and sadness. 

Reaching the cage he couldn’t manage to keep his trembling legs under control, so he let himself drop to his knees.
Tears were flowing in waves down his cheeks.

He couldn’t see the boy’s face, though he knew exactly what he would be brought, since it was everywhere across the walls on the bright screens, as if wanting to rub it in.

There he was. The only person Hyunjin had ever truly loved. Curled up into a tiny ball of misery.

“F-felix?” He choked on a sob.
The curled up ball lifted his head at the familiar voice.
He sat up and turned around, for Hyunjin to see his face.
He was extremely pale, though he had freckles spread across his cheeks like a galaxy full of the prettiest stars, stars Hyunjin knew all too well...
The stars made his appearance a bit less... creepy...

His eyes were pitch black, no white. The black seemed to be spreading around the eyes, into his veins, giving him an eerie and possessed look.

He was possessed, there wasn't a doubt.
What if he doesn't even remember me?
Hyunjin was still on his knees, sobbing uncontrollably at the sight of the younger, since he knew what was coming for his beloved.

“H-hyunjin?” The boy said in a surprisingly deep voice.
Hyunjin nodded. For a moment he felt grateful, though it was quickly replaced again by an overwhelming sadness.
The boy was still sane, for now…

"Hyunjin? Hyunjin get me out of here!” The younger one panicked. He started banging on the glass. Not knowing what to do, Hyunjin just sat there, on his knees, watching his lover bang on the glass with his black eyes, creepy yet completely sane…

“Felix I’m so sorry…” he choked out.
The boy stopped banging the glass and let his arms drop numb besides his body.
“H-Hyunjin?” He whispered. Tears started streaming from his black eyes. “Hyunjin what is going on?”

Seeing his lover cry, Hyunjin stood up and grabbed his key out of his pocket and practically stumbled towards a machine that was hanging on the wall.

The machine looked very complicated, but that was mostly to scare people off, because the only thing it did was protect the entrance off the glass cage.

Pretty much numb Hyunjin swiped his keycard amongst the machine.
He just let the keycard drop to the ground as the glass cage opened.

I don’t care if there are cameras.
And I don’t care if they think he’s dangerous.
And I don't care if he is dangerous.

Hyunjin stumbled inside and dropped to his knees in front of the now crying and confused boy.

He carefully wrapped his arms around his beloved as if the boy was made out of porcelain and would break apart at the slightest wrong touch.

The boy, confused, wrapped his arms around the taller and started  crying too.
He looked up to the now open glass cage, and pretty much gasped at his own reflection.

“H-Hyunjin what is going on?” Felix sobbed. “What are you doing here?”
Hyunjin quickly looked up and wiped the younger’s tears.
“Shhh don’t cry please.” He said softly. “I’ll explain everything I promise.”

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