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Spencer sat at his desk doing paperwork while they waited to see if they had a case. His attention turned towards the door as Matthew Montgomery walked in, the older man gave Spencer a discrete shake of his head.

You see, Matty enlisted Penelope Garcia's help to find his sister not too long after he transferred to the BAU. But so far they have found nothing, though neither Matty nor Spencer has given up on finding Skye, Matty always said that he knew she was still out there somewhere. It was a feeling that he's had since he found out that she disappeared.

JJ walked into the room, "Guys we've got a case, and it's pretty bad." They all gathered in the meeting room, Penelope and JJ presented the case to the team, "Las Vegas, Nevada." JJ clicked the remote, and images appeared on-screen, "they've found three bodies all in shallow graves within two miles of each other...vics have been identified as Tracy Clarke, Megan Peters, and Kayla Tanner... the backgrounds show zero overlap in their daily lives they didn't know each and came from different backgrounds and social circles, but they were all killed in the same way, only similarity was their looks." Garcia clicked a button and three photos appeared of the three deceased women, "all three had shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes."

Matty almost did a double take with how similar these women looked to his sister. He didn't though, quickly he schooled his features. No one but Spencer had noticed the reaction anyway, which was good because then he would have to explain things to everyone else, which wasn't on his to-do list right now.

"So these women must remind our unsub of someone who has power over him, he can't hurt that one person, so he finds surrogates to take his anger out on." Derek supplied.

Hotch nodded after they discussed a few more things, "Wheels up in thirty."

Matty was first out of the room being sat closest to the door, and he blew out a breath, Spencer walked up behind him, "are you good Matty?"

He nodded, "Yeah, just a little unnerved."

"You noticed it too..." Spencer trailed off, he hadn't reacted in there, but also noticed the resemblance to Skye that those women had.

"Yeah... I have a feeling that we may find her soon..."

The two walked down the hall after that, Spencer was hoping that Matty was right and that they would find her alive... It had officially been four years since Skye disappeared and anyone else would have declared her dead, but not Matty or his parents; they had hope that she was still out there somewhere, just unable to contact anyone for help.

Thirty minutes later the team was in the jet on their way to Las Vegas... They were discussing things about the case when Garcia video called, "Bad news my friends the LVPD have uncovered two more graves though they seem to be older and mostly decomposed, they are working on finding out their identities. That brings the body count up to five."

Derek then noticed the looks thrown between Spencer and Matty though he made a note to question it later.

A while later Spencer was lost in his thoughts, they were all about Skye, running different scenarios in his head and memories playing over and over... he really missed her, if he were, to be honest, he would have married her in a heartbeat... he had wanted to propose to her but wanted to officially meet her brother first and then talk to her father about it.

Derek noticed Spencer had been quieter than usual since they got on the jet, and he was a little worried about him. Matty noticed the look Derek was giving Spencer. "Are you okay, kid?"

Spencer shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "Yes, I'm fine, Morgan." Derek didn't really believe that but knew better than to push.

"All right just making sure your head was on right, and you weren't distracted."

"My head is on fine, Morgan." Spencer knew that he couldn't tell him about Skye, at least not right now, it would just complicate things. Derek didn't press, but didn't believe him.

They had gone over a few more details on the case before Hotch had told them all to get some rest that it was going to be a long few days, Spencer was sitting away from everyone else wanting to be left alone for a bit.

Matty was sitting across from Derek, who kept giving Spencer worried glances, "he'll be alright Morgan, and you know how he is, he will talk about it when he's ready to "

"Yeah, but he's obviously distracted by something. He's been quieter than normal since we got on the jet, and I'm just worried about the kid."

Matty knew what was distracting the younger man but knew that it wasn't his place to tell Morgan what it was, but also knew how it would complicate things and neither of them wanted that. "Like I said earlier, Morgan, he'll talk about it when he's ready."

"All right, but what's with all the whispering and looks the two of you have been sharing since we caught this case?"

Matty sighed, "That is a complicated, long story, and that is all I can say about it right now."

Morgan dropped it for now but was determined to get answers out of the two of them later.

A little while before they landed, Garcia called back saying that they had found another body and that a girl matching the description of the previous victims had been abducted outside a grocery store. "The woman that was abducted, her name is Natasha Anders, and the last two bodies have been identified as Gina Lucas and Sally Lang, they are still working on the identification of the newest body found."

Hotch nodded, and looked at the team, "All right, so Reid, Montgomery I want you two to go to the dumpsite, Morgan and Prentiss you two go to the last abduction site. Rossi, JJ, and I will head to the station to get everything set up."

Once they landed they were separated into three SUVs, Spencer and Matty were in one, while Derek and Emily were in one and the rest were in the last one.

As they were driving Matty spoke, "Derek's getting suspicious of things and I know we can't tell him about her because it would just complicate things and get us both taken off this case and I really feel like we're going to find her, because of this case and I can't let anything stop me from finding my baby sister..."

"I noticed with all of his questions and I know he means well but like you said it would just complicate things right now... I hope you're right Matty and that we do find her and then maybe we can explain things to Morgan and the rest of the team, he will no doubt bring his concerns to them."

"Because we both know he won't stop until he gets answers."

Spencer chuckled at that, knowing that Matty was right about that.

Okay, so Matty and Spencer are partners like Morgan and Prentiss so they often get paired together to investigate things. Just so you know. The next chapter will probs be focused on maybe Morgan, and it'll be back to Skye and then probably Matty.

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