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It had been 11 weeks, which was about two and half months, since Mason had shown up in the middle of the night at Skye's apartment and forced her to go with him.

She was miserable, but she would do it all again in a heartbeat if it meant that Spencer would be safe, she knew that as long as she complied Mason would stay away from Spencer.

Skye had been feeling off for the past couple of weeks but thought nothing of it at first... until she realized that her period was late, and she paled slightly, and then she silently prayed that if she really was pregnant that the baby wasn't Mason's.

But she knew there was a possibility that it could be because over the time that she had been held there some nights Mason would come into the room and well he would do whatever he wanted to her and Skye had no choice but to take it... no matter how much she didn't want to... But as soon as he would leave she would immediately take a hot shower and scrub every inch of her skin that he had touched to try and feel clean again, but she never complained because she knew that she would be punished even worse if she did.

Now she just had to convince him to let her see a doctor, to confirm her suspicions or if it was just like a stomach bug or something, though she knew the odds of that were low. But that was her hope at the moment.

About ten minutes later, the door opened to reveal Mason standing there with a tray with A glass of water and a few slices of bread, which he'd been feeding her twice a day since she'd been there.

Skye looked at him, "I need to see a doctor, Mason..." She then explained that she had been sick throwing up, and that she couldn't keep anything down. After a few minutes of convincing, he finally agreed to take her to see a doctor.

Skye was told to get dressed as the man walked out of the room to get what she would need to show the doctor, Skye quickly got dressed in a simple outfit and Mason returned and undid the shackle that he had chained on her ankle to make sure she couldn't run.

After a silent car ride, they pulled up in front of the closest doctor's office and Mason grabbed her wrist tightly but not tight enough to bruise since he couldn't have people asking questions because that would ruin everything. "Now you better not tell them anything unrelated to why you're here, or there will be consequences... severe consequences, understood?"

Skye sighed but nodded, "understood."

"Good now go so we can get back." she then got out of his truck and let out a shaky breath as she walked into the building with her bag which had all the cards and stuff that she would need to show the nurse at the desk to been seen by the doctor.

She spoke to the nurse at the desk and showed her everything that she asked to see, and then was told to take a seat and that Doctor Stephens would see her soon.

She sat there for maybe ten minutes before she was called back, once she was back in an exam room a nurse came in and checked her vitals and all that and then was told that it would be another few minutes before Doctor Stephens would be in the room to see her.

Skye sat there silently hoping that it was just a stomach bug or some kind of virus... she did not want to have Mason's baby, but she knew that he would make her keep the baby if it was his... she was brought out of her thoughts by the door to the room opening and a woman with a warm smile walked in, "Hello, Ms. Montgomery, I am Dr. Stephens, what is the reason you've come in today?"

Skye let out a breath and then explained everything to the doctor, once she was finished Dr. Stephens nodded her head at the blonde, "All right then let's see if we can't get to the bottom of this, Ms. Montgomery."

The doctor ran a few tests which all came back negative that it wasn't a virus or stomach bug, which made Skye sigh because she knew that meant that she was most likely pregnant. "All right now we have one last test to run since we've eliminated almost everything else... I am going to give you a pregnancy test."

Doctor Stephens left Skye to do what she needed for the test, and they came back to the room a few minutes later, "all right then I'll get this started and in a few minutes we will know if you're pregnant, Ms. Montgomery."

Skye nodded, "Thanks doc." she bit her lip as soon as she was alone in the room again, as she closed her eyes and prayed 'Please God don't let Mason be the father...' she knew that she would have to let him think it was his even if the baby somehow wasn't Mason's.

Skye was nervous to find out the results of the test... Ten minutes later Dr. Stephens walked back into the room with a paper in her hands and a smile on her face, "Congratulations Ms. Montgomery." she handed the paper to the blonde woman, "You are indeed pregnant, now we are going to do an ultrasound to find out how far along you are."

Skye let out a shaky breath, "Oh, my god." then she brought in the ultrasound machine and did the ultrasound.

"Well, Ms. Montgomery, it looks like you are 13 weeks along."

Hearing those words made Skye smile, like a real genuine smile because 13 weeks meant that the baby was Spencer's, not Mason's. After all, it had only been 11 weeks since she had been brought back to her own personal hell, as she liked to describe it.

Skye knew that she was going to have to let Mason think that the baby was his, or he would most likely kill them both if he found out that it was Spencer's.

After everything was finished up, Skye walked back to the truck and climbed in, "so what's wrong with you?"

She blew out a breath, this was it, "the doctor said I'm pregnant, nine weeks."

Her words registered, and a twister smile slipped on his face, "Nine weeks, that's after you came back to me..." then he frowned slightly "I can't very well punish you now, can I? Can't risk you losing my baby, no matter, I'll figure something out." and then he drove back to the house and Skye was locked back in her room.

After she was left alone, Skye smiled she now had a tiny piece of Spencer with her, even if she had to make Mason think it was his. She was going to make sure that nothing happened to her baby, no matter what. 

Some things are going to be just a little bit different in this version of this book (: like for instance Matty will be with the team when they catch the case and save Skye, this time since before I didn't add his character in until after that chapter in the first version of this book. 

But anyway hope you guys enjoy the next chapter will be from Spencer's view but with a time skip same as the first version, will still throw in random POV switches from different characters just FYI.  

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