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Just as they landed, reports of another woman being abducted had been told to the team by Garcia, and Morgan and Prentiss had been assigned to go to the new abduction site.

But the whole way there Morgan just couldn't make sense of Spencer's attitude and the way he had been acting strange ever since they caught this case and ended up in Las Vegas, the man looked over at his partner "Prentiss... Have you noticed Reid has been acting strange?"

She glanced at him, "Yeah but it's Reid, so it's not like it's anything out of the ordinary."

Derek gave her a look, "Yeah, but Matty has been acting weird too... it's like they're keeping something from the rest of us... and it's gotten worse since we caught this case."

Emily shook her head, "I'm sure it's nothing Morgan, you know how they are, they'll talk about whatever it is when they're ready to... don't overthink it too much."

He sighed but couldn't help but wonder what it was about this case that seemed to rattle the two of them. But for right now he would focus on the issue at hand and find out more about the newly abducted victim.

After they surveyed the scene and everything the two headed back to the police station to regroup with the rest of the team but Morgan couldn't shake the feeling that there was something about this case that they were missing, but he just couldn't put his finger on what it was. Spencer and Matty weren't helping this suspicion either since it seemed like they knew something but weren't telling the rest of the team about it.

It was just a feeling that he couldn't shake but he knew that they wouldn't say anything about it since they both didn't when he asked about it on the jet before they landed.

Emily, who had noticed the look, lightly shook her head at him. She of all people knew that everyone was entitled to their secrets and the one that Morgan thought the two boys were keeping didn't seem to be hurting anything or anyone.

Morgan sighed seeing the look on his partner's face... he couldn't help but worry a little about his two friends since they weren't acting exactly like they normally did.

It wasn't long before the two walked into the room.

They debriefed everyone on what they learned. Morgan noticed the two men sharing a look seeing the photo of the newest abducted woman. He wanted to say something but knew that it wouldn't help anything right now as they wouldn't tell him anything.

So he just watched as Spencer started trying to put together a geographic profile, trying to triangulate the Unsub's comfort zone, to hopefully help them find him before they found any more bodies.

Derek was watching as Matty paced the floor, as Spencer was working, Hotch looked at the blonde man, sensing that something was on the man's mind, "What's bothering you Montgomery?"

That made the rest of the team minus Reid since he already knew, turn their attention to Matty.

He blew out a breath, "something about this whole case, just doesn't feel right to me... I don't know how to explain it, Hotch." Of course, he knew or well he had a hunch as to what it was but knew that he couldn't tell them that yet... it wouldn't do him any good to get taken off the case before he found anything out about his baby sister.

After realizing that it was getting late and they wouldn't find anything else then, the team decided to head back to their hotel for the night.

Matty and Spencer ended up sharing a room, and Derek's was right down from theirs, and was walking past when he heard Spencer's voice. "Do you actually believe that we're going to find something out about her because of this case?"

Derek paused outside the door, listening to them trying to see if they would mention something about why they were acting so weird with this case. "I have to believe it Spencer... because if I don't then the little bit of hope I have left that I'm going to find her alive, safe and unharmed, chips away a little at a time and I can't let that happen because then I'm going to be the one that has to tell them that I failed to do the one thing I always promised that I would do no matter what and that was to protect her ... that would kill them, they still ask me every time we talk, if there's been any news and I can't do that to them."

"Do you think that it's a coincidence how similar they all look to her?" that caught Derek's attention.

"It could be a coincidence, there are a lot of blue-eyed, blonde girls out there, but, I'm not so sure that is one. I'm missing something here, I know I am... I just can't place what it is, I feel like if it would just come to me then everything else would just click into place..."

"Maybe you just need to get some rest, and it might come to you with a more clear head."

Derek heard him sigh, "Maybe, you're right Spencer." once he realized that they were done talking he made his way to his room, even more, confused about what was going on, and planned to confront the two about how wired they had been acting since they started working this case.

He walked into his hotel room and got ready to go to bed.

The following morning as soon as they walked into the police precinct they were ushered into the briefing room, "What's going on?" Hotch questioned.

"Our 911 operator just took an alarming call on the hotline." the sheriff answered, and they played back the recording of the conversation, of a little girl claiming that she and her mother were being held hostage by a man who thinks he's her father and that she was hiding with the phone to make the call. "She hung up before we could triangulate her location."

"What was the number that she called from?" Derek questioned, knowing that Garcia could get them a name faster than anyone else.

"The number was 555-7824, it's a local number."

Derek nodded and pulled out his cell and dialed Penelope Garcia's number. "Hey baby girl I got a number for you, we need a name." Morgan then gave her the number. "555-7824."

"On it chocolate thunder... Garcia out." the woman hung up the phone.

I finally got this chapter finished yaaay :D It's been in the works for a while now oops anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and yes Derek is very suspicious of Spencer and Matty but knows he will not get anything out of them if they don't want to share so that is why he didn't confront them yet even though he wants to and will at some point over the next few chapters.

Also, just a fair warning the next few chapters will be slightly repetitive because it's the same events just from different people's points of view.

So I did warn you about that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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