Chapter 1: First Thought

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"I hate the shit out of you, seriously, fuck you," I shouted at him. He looked at me with his bright blue eyes and grabbed my chin. "Listen up, Pogue, that's the last time you're this rude. You do what I tell you, or this bruise will happen again, sweetheart," he said, watching me lay there helplessly. "Since when do you hit girls, Rafe? Are you so afraid I might be stronger than you?"

He releases his fingers from my chin and clenches his jaw. "You Pogues are all the same shit, you deserve to be hit, especially you, Valencia. You got my T-shirt dirty" he said, staring at me with pulsating rage in his eyes. We were behind his house, and I glanced around, never knowing what Rafe Cameron might do. 
"You deserve it, idiot, and you're a Kook after
all, you can afford thousands of expensive T-shirts" I replied.

He takes his hand and grabs my arms so tightly and painfully that it leaves bruises. "Oh, I'm sorry, your daddy stopped giving you money because you spent it all on drugs" I said. He squeezes even harder, causing fear to well up in me.

I tried to move, but he was way too strong. "Shut your fucking mouth, you useless bitch. You don't know anything, just because you were at my house because of Sarah doesn't mean you know everything about me" he said quietly but angrily. "I now know that you get beaten by your dad enough that you take your anger out on me. Now let go, you're hurting me" I said, trying not to show weakness.

He finally let go of me and said, "If I see you here again, worse things will happen to you, darling, so get the hell back to your dirty neighborhood" he said, hopping onto his motorcycle and speeding away within seconds.

I remained on the ground for a few minutes, contemplating what to do next. I shouldn't allow myself to be treated like crap, but it's Rafe— he's practically the Kook King, and everything he does is celebrated by everyone, whether it's something good or bad.

I've decided to go home to cool down my bruises. That jerk—how can everyone find him so cool just because he has money that's not even his? JJ and I call him blondwhore because that's what he is. He only cares about drugs and sex. He's been with more girls than I even know, that's why he's a slut. I don't like it when people brag about money, but if I had money myself, I might do the same.

When I got home, I knew my mom would probably be yelling because we're struggling to make ends meet, but she's the one spending money on drugs. I don't have a good relationship with my mother; she only picks fights with me, so I try to avoid her, which often leads to worse conflicts.

I have a better relationship with my father than with my mother, but it's still not the kind you see on TV, where the daughter laughs and does things together with her father. However, for me, that's not important. What matters is that we understand each other without having to scream at each other like my mother does with me.

As I walked into the kitchen, I saw my mother opening the drawer, probably looking for money to pay off debts, but that doesn't concern me. I couldn't find my father in the house and eventually went to my room to rest. What the hell was that earlier? That jerk thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it, son of a bitch.

After a quick nap, I felt better. Glancing at the clock, it was a quarter to six, the perfect time to head to the Pogues. I slipped on my shoes and a summer jacket as it tends to get cooler later on. I took my mom's car without asking her. I knew it would anger her, but once won't hurt. I drove to the Chateau, listening to Lana Del Rey's song 'Blue Jeans' on the way.

When I arrived, I could already hear JJ singing loudly to himself. "What's up, guys?" I shouted as I saw them all. "VAL, FINALLY, YOU'RE HERE!" they all exclaimed loudly. I chuckled briefly and took the beer from Kie's hands to have a drink myself.

"Where were you all day, Val? You didn't check in at all," Pope asked with concern in his voice.
"Rafe happened," I replied. "What do you mean, and why do you have bruises all over?" JJ asked.
"Nothing serious, just Rafe again," I said, taking another gulp of beer. The Pogues all looked at me, and JJ said, "We can't just let him get away with things; he needs to learn a lesson." I gave JJ a look that told him to shut up.

"JJ, remember last time when Rafe beat up Pope? Did you think sinking Thopper's boat was a good idea? What happened? You ended up in jail, so let's not go there, okay? I can handle my stuff," I explained.

We all sat quietly, waiting for someone to say something. "Okay, guys, let's head onto the boat and cruise around; it's boring as hell here," I suggested. Everyone agreed, and we headed to John B's boat. We cruised for a while until the boat stopped, and JJ called out, "Val, I think you need a little cool-down," as he grabbed me and pulled me into the water.

"JJ, seriously, that wasn't necessary," I said, splashing water back at him. Kiara helped me back onto the boat. "Look, guys, here comes that slut with her damn Kook boyfriend," Kiara said, shooting a disgusted look. I took a closer look and saw Sarah Cameron with Topper. I didn't really have an issue with her, but sometimes she could be really annoying.

I remember back in 9th grade when Sarah spread rumors that I had a crush on Rafe and that he fingered me, which wasn't true at all. It was actually gross.

Topper has always had an issue with me, partly because I'm a Pogue, and probably also because of Rafe. I knew he badmouthed me to his friends.

The two of them cruised past our boat, giving us a real bitchy look. Whatever, I was having a good time with the Pogues, something I really needed today.

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