Chapter 3: Beach Party

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I took my bike and rode to the beach. I already saw a large crowd at the beach, realizing that I had arrived at a party. Just as I parked my bike, I could watch the beautiful sunset. I walked closer to the crowd, and the Pogues waved at me. I went and hugged them tightly.

"What the heck happened to your eye?" John B said, startled. "It was my mother; she freaked out about the car. She's so dramatic, but guys, what happened yesterday? I was so drunk, I don't even know where the car is," I said to the Pogues. "Val, we were all drunk too, and we have no idea where the car is, sorry," Pope said.

"Val, are you doing okay lately? A lot seems to be going on with you," Kie asked. "Guys, seriously, I couldn't care less about bruises or not. I'm always the same Valencia Monroe," I said, laughing.

"Alright, but the Valencia I know would smoke a joint with me," JJ said. I raised my eyebrows and said, "I'll show you how the pros do it," and took the joint from JJ's hands and smoked it.

After another 20 minutes, the beach was full of Kooks and Pogues. I went to grab a beer and walked towards the front, but the music was too good not to dance to. I danced wildly to the song 'Promiscuous.'

Suddenly, I felt warm hands on my hips. I turned and saw Calvin. We had something last summer, and if I'm honest, he was so handsome and knew how to treat a woman right, but things between us got complicated, and we broke up. He has brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

"Calvin, oh my, you scared me," I said and hugged him. "Hey, Valencia, you look beautiful," he said, squeezing me tightly. We danced together. Honestly, I could use some fun today after the shit with my mother.

"Hey Cal, I'll quickly get something to drink. I'll be right back," I said loudly because otherwise, with the loud music, no one would understand me.

Just as I grabbed a cup of punch, I felt two strong arms pulling me at the hips. It was so tight that it hurt, and I realized who it was: "Rafe, let go, don't touch me, you jerk," I yelled at him. "Wow, calm down, little one, I won't hurt you unless you're rude," he said casually. "Go away, I don't have time for you. Because of you, I have to buy my mom a new car. What do you say to that, idiot?" I expressed myself.

"Pogue, that's why you have a blue eye. I have an offer for you on how to get your car back," he said. "Oh yeah, and how, you bastard?" I said sarcastically. He grabbed my face and leaned down to my height, "Fuck Pogue, I'm trying to be nice, and you're so ungrateful, you bitch," he said angrily but quietly.

His face was inches away from mine. I felt his breath. It smelled like beer. I had goosebumps all over and stared deep into his eyes until he let me go.

"Okay, what's your offer?" I asked suspiciously. "Pretend to be my girlfriend for a while, and I'll give you the car back," he said emotionlessly. I laughed when I heard his offer.

What is this supposed to be? "Why the hell should I do that, pretending to be your girlfriend? Find someone else," I said. "I need money from my ex and want to make her jealous. If she sees me with you, she'll realize I've replaced her with a dirty Pogue. Then she'll come running to me," he said. I was skeptical. I just had to pretend to be Rafe's girlfriend for a while, and I would get my mom's car back.

"Okay, weird, but why do you want money from your ex, and which ex is it?" I asked. "Pogue, why the fuck are you asking so many questions? I need the money to give it to my father," he said, wrinkling his nose. "Yeah, okay, but which ex?" I asked again. "Taylor, why, are you jealous, Pogue?" he said, grinning. "You wish, I feel sorry for her, whatever, I have to go back now," I said. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, "Tomorrow at 2, we meet at the bridge, understood?" he said. "Whatever," I said annoyed.

"Oh, and Lancie, it would be best if you didn't hook up with guys at every party; it doesn't make a good impression, you're more on the side of the hookers," he smirked. "I sleep where I want, when I want, and with whom I want. Are you jealous, Rafe?" I said proudly. "No, I'd never be jealous of a Pogue like you. You're disgusting and an ungrateful brat," he said, looking down at me. "Okay, suit yourself," I said and walked away from him. "Bye, little whore," he called after me.

I hated him more than anything. How can someone be so annoying? But if I'm honest, he looks very good, but in terms of character, he's a nightmare.

I headed back to find Calvin, but I couldn't find him anymore.

Damn it.

Why is he so impatient? Today of all days, I needed a distraction, but you realize that a guy without patience isn't good.

I went back to the Pogues and found JJ drunk on the ground. "Oh my god, JJ, get up," I helped him up and brought him together with John B to the Twinkie. "John, take him home, okay?" I said to him. "Wait, Val, I'll take you home too," said John B. "No, it's okay, I came here by bike; I'll be fine getting home. See you tomorrow, JB," I said and went to my bike.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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Enemies with Benefits ~Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now