Chapter 2: Big Bruises

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I woke up in my bed.

It was too cozy to get up, but somehow I managed. I headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat and glanced out the window. That's when I realized my mom's car wasn't there. Damn. Where is it? Didn't I return it yesterday after hanging out with the Pogues?

I called John B to ask if my mom's car was with him. He said it wasn't at the Chateau. Damn, where could it be then? I also called Kie, but she had no clue either.

I grabbed my bike and rode to Figure Eight to check if some random kook might have taken the car. I circled around, roughly scanning the houses to spot any old red car. Suddenly, I saw my mom's car at the Camerons'. What the hell is my car doing there?

I left my bike leaning against a palm tree. I went to the Camerons' house and knocked on the door, but nobody answered. I knocked again and waited for someone to answer.

Just as I was about to leave, Wheezie opened the door. "Hey Wheezie, is Sarah or Rafe here?" I asked. "Sarah isn't here, but Rafe is in the backyard" she said dreamily. "Thanks."

I hurried to the backyard to find him. "Rafe, where are you?" I shouted. Suddenly, I felt someone grab me. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. I felt the pressure and the hands on my shoulders. It was like déjà vu. I've been through this before.

"What the heck are you doing here, Pogue? I told you not to come here anymore" said Rafe, looking at me with disgust. "Hey, calm down. I'd rather speak with Sarah, but she's not here" I said, surprised.

"Get to the point, Pogue" he said, annoyed. "Why is my mom's car here? Give me the keys," I said, confused. He looked at me as if trying to read something. "No, I'm not giving you the keys, Pogue. You don't deserve it" he said. "It belongs to my mother. She'll kill me if she finds out the car's missing" I explained. "And what do I get? For once, I want to make my dad proud and show that I'm useful, but no, here comes a damn Pogue in the way. Lancie, I'm not giving you the keys. Get lost" he said, turning away from me.

"Wait, if you want to make your damn father happy, do something that makes more sense than taking an old car, you idiot" I said, walking up to him.

"Pogue, go away, or the same thing as last time will happen, and I need time to think, so get lost" he said, annoyed. "No, the car doesn't belong to you, so give me the keys, and we'll forget all about this"

I said angrily. I really didn't want to argue with this jerk anymore. Rafe came towards me, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me towards his front door. "What don't you understand, you filthy Pogue? I don't care if your mother freaks out. I have the keys, and I decide what happens to the car. I own you, bitch. Get out and cry to someone else about your problems" he said, full of anger but also pride.

I rushed back to my bike. Damn, what should I do now? My mother is going to kill me. After pondering for about 5 minutes, I rode back home.

As I arrived, I heard my mother shouting my name from one end of the house to the other.

"Valencia, where the hell were you, and where is my car?" She yelled at me, unable to contain herself. No matter what the issue was, she always found a reason to shout, but if the topic touched on drug use, she would nearly explode.

I couldn't say where the car was. It would've freaked her out big time.

My mom really hated the Camerons, especially Ward. They were a thing back in their teen days. Mom used to go on about how crazy she was about him, but he was all about making bank. She just wanted to enjoy life, didn't wanna adult, and that's why Ward split.

"I took it yesterday and can't find it anymore, I'm really sorry. I'll do anything to find it again," I lied to her. "Valencia, what the heck! I need that car, and because of your unnecessary adventures with your little friends, I don't have a car anymore."

She was furious with me, yelling and frightening me. I hadn't been this scared of my mother in a long time. "Mom, I'm sorry, but it wasn't intentional," I said shakily, taking a step back. "I'm tired of always covering up your mess," she said, gripping me tightly and striking my face. I couldn't fight back; I just felt pain coursing through my body.

I woke up on the couch after a few hours and realized that I had passed out. I had a splitting headache; I couldn't even see properly. I stumbled to the bathroom and was shocked when I saw myself in the mirror. I had a large bruise around my eye, which was causing this headache.

Right when I was about to shower, Kie called me, "Yo Val, are you coming to the beach party at Figure Eight today?" she asked. "Yeah, of course, no party happens without me," I replied. "Obviously, you're the best. Okay, I'll meet you there at half-past seven, and wear something nice," she said in a serious tone. "Alright, Kie, see you later," I said sarcastically.

After the call, I went to shower. I tried to wash myself as much as possible. I found my body ugly, covered in scars and bruises. It didn't make me feel imperfect but dirty, just as Rafe always tells me.

After drying myself with a towel, I stared at myself in the mirror. I couldn't go to the beach like this, with a bruise on my eye. I tried to cover it with makeup, but it didn't do much, only making me look pale.

I put on a baby blue crop cami top and a white short skirt. Sometimes, I felt uncomfortable in revealing clothes because my scars might show, but my appearance mattered more to me.

I might not have money, but I knew how to dress well. I left my hair in its natural wavy state.

Just as I was about to leave, I heard my parents arguing in the bedroom. "Our car is gone because of your daughter; she has no control, Henry. I couldn't hold back and hit her, but she can't always get away with things without being punished," my mother said loudly, full of anger, to my father.

"Allie, you went too far, she just has a bruise on her face, you always overreact," my father said to her. "So, it's my fault? You know we have no money, and now you're taking her side. Fuck you," my mother retorted angrily.

I stormed into the room, "You always exaggerate, Mom, I just have a damn bruise on my face," I screamed at her. "Get out, Valencia, there's nothing to discuss here. You'll pay me back for the debt caused by the car," she ordered. "What do you mean by paying back? I don't know how I'll get the money," I replied.

She looked at me as if I had no clue, "You'll buy me a new car, and I don't care where the money comes from. You'll pay for it," she said and walked away.

I looked at my dad and explained to him that I had no money, but he replied, "Valencia, I can't help you; you'll have to find a solution yourself."

I rushed outside, full of anger towards my mother and my dad. I thought he would help me.

Enemies with Benefits ~Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now