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when they got to mirellas house her mom was excited to see maya. she talked to mirellas mom a little bit about her home situation and got a little bit of advice, but soon she was just sick of talking about it and wanted to lay down.

maya simply laid in bed while watching mirella do some homework. they talked lightly but maya wasn't too talkative at the end of the day, especially not nowadays.

mirella went to take a shower before dinner and when she came back maya had fallen asleep. she went down for dinner with her parents and bought a plate up for maya. she sat it on the bedside table closets to maya with a cup of ice water. mirella laid down besides maya and scrolled on her phone for awhile.

"ella." maya rested her forehead against mirellas back.

"hmm?" she hummed, turning so she faced maya.

"thanks for inviting me over tonight, i really needed a break from my house." mirella smiled and pushed her hair out of her face. maya scooted closer to mirella and laid against her chest.

"i bought you up some food and ice water if you want it." maya just nodded softly. that's how the rest of the night went, mirella fell asleep cuddled into maya.
the next morning when mirella woke up she saw maya had ate the food at some point. maya was still cuddled into the blankets as mirella got up to get dressed. she picked out some sweats, a t-shirt and a hoodie for maya to put on.

"hey." maya sat up from the blankets and watched mirella walking around the room.

"hey, good morning." maya smiled back at her while rubbing her eyes.

"i set some clothes on the nightstand for you to change into." maya nodded softly.

"thanks." she said while standing up out of bed. she changed while mirella did her hair routine. she hated leaving the house with wet hair but she also hadn't found a night routine that made her hair look good in the morning after sleeping on it.

"i was wondering... could i maybe, stay again tonight." mirella nodded.

"yeah, whatever you need." maya sighed heavily and sat back on the bed.

"thank you... you don't know how much this means to me." they walked to school together with light conversation and went to their classes.

during lunch nervana sat with them again, and she could now sense the tension between the two. before it seemed like they had good conversation and maybe nervana was just shy or quiet. now it was very awkward.

"dad wants me to come by your house tonight." nervana said softly while looking up from her phone.

"i'm not gonna be home." maya replied.

"oh, where will you be?"

"at ella's." nervana looked over to mirella, who darted her eyes away, trying to make it seem like she wasn't just ease dropping on their conversation.

"maybe i could come over one day." mirella looked up at them, ignoring the fact that maya was giving her a death stare with a gentle, very subtle shake of her head.

"i wouldn't mind." she shrugged. nervana seemed to perk up at this.

"is tonight a good night?" nervana asked excitedly.

"no... we're going to the movies." and now nervana's excitement dwindled.

"okay.. maybe this weekend, then." mirella nodded.

"friday is good for me.. we can make some plans for saturday." nervana nodded in agreeance. maya didn't say anything and just laid her head on the table.
after school they all walked home together. mirella walked between the two. they weren't having any conversations so mirella was the one to start it.

"so, plans for saturday... any ideas?" she rested her arm over nervana and mayas shoulder.

"i heard there's a new restaurant opening up... they have korean corn dogs and mochi donuts... and boba."

"the oh mochi place! i've been wanting to go there." mirella said while bringing nervana in closer to her side.

"maybe we could go to the mall too... i've been needing to get new stuff for my room." maya sighed, loud enough for mirella to hear but not nervana.

"the mall gives me anxiety... but maybe target." mirella said while stopping at maya's sidewalk.

"i'll see you tomorrow." mirella said while dropping her hand from nervanas shoulder.

"you not coming in to pack a bag?" nervana asked before walking to the house.

"no, i'll just... borrow something from mirella again." maya walked off before anything else was said. she could see the sadness flash across nervanas face.

"i'm sorry... i'll see you tomorrow." nervana smiled softly at mirella.

"bye." she whispered.

"bye nervana." mirella waved before running to catch up with maya.

"she's such a suck up... god i wish things could just go back to how they were." mirella trailed behind maya slowly.

"maybe you should talk to your parents about it... you don't mind having a new found sibling.. but you don't want to be forced to be friends." maya looked over her shoulder at mirella.

"they aren't going to listen."

"well for the both of you... i think it be better if she found her own friends and you guys aren't forced to be friends." maya scowled at the girl behind her.

"since when do you care about her." mirellas eyebrows furrowed.

"i'm just saying, instead of her being upset that she can't be friends with you, she should be trying to make friends that aren't you." maya continued walking.

"this is ridiculous." mirella followed behind maya silently, letting her sit with her thoughts. when they got to mirellas house maya just quietly walked to her room and changed from her school clothes.

mirella immediately started on an essay that was due later that night. the room was silent, you could hear her pen scratching against her paper. and it stayed like this for an hour and a half.

"i'm sorry." mayas voice filled her ears. she had almost forgotten that maya was even there.

"it's okay." mirella looked over her shoulder at maya.

"i know you're right... i just try to find a reason to be angry at anyone." mirella spun her desk chair around. even though maya's back was to her.

"i don't want to be like this anymore... i want to be like the old maya." she could hear the shakiness in her friends voice. she got up from the desk and laid her head on maya's shoulder.

"we'll work to get you back there... you have to tell your parents how you feel, though." maya nodded.

"i know." mirella held onto maya as the room fell quiet again. they fell asleep like this.

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