Chapter One

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Music erupted throughout the whole parlor.It felt like it was vibrating. The stench of alcohol, smoke and farts filled the nauseating air.

Tension and heated breeze as every drunks in the pub played cards betting their doughs like they don't care.
“Roll us a dice, old man!"A bulky raggedy guy said from the left side of the table. He'd a cigarette stick in his mouth. He wore dirty armless and a slightly torn up jeans. “Relax,nugget!"an old man answered,his voice hoarse and deep.“you'll get your turn".

The old man said as he gave the man a glance. The anger in the young scrammy guy's face meant nothing to the old man. “We've been here for five hours, the kid's got nothing anyway!" He continued putting another cigar in between his greasy lips. His teeth yellow probably from alcohol or bad hygiene.
“You ain't good at this, kiddo!" The old man said with a light chuckle. Opposite of him sat a blonde haired man, probably in his late thirties. “It just isn't your day, is it?!" Another drunk man butts in. 
“Just finish this crap you call game and let's get a real game on!"Others screamed in agreement. The old man ignored them.

He licked his lips on the sight of another wad of cash. Silence for a few minute. “Are you nuts? You better get the heck out of here, while you still can!
You'd be saving yourself the time..."
“And your life!". A angered hefty man chimed in, punching his fists as a threat. Jared,the old man managed to calm down those beasts. “You sure about this,kid?!"He asked, giving him a look of false concern and delight in his eyes.

Marvin nodded with an hopeful grin. “C'mon, you've won, haven't you. Some of us haven't even got turns,old timer". The guy said, staring at Marvin with a death warranty on his eyes. The old man groaned in frustration, bearing his teeth at the guy.
“If you know what's good for you,better shut your fucking big mouth or I'm shut it up!" Jared said, somewhat like yelling.
“You doing this or not?!"Marvin asked,impatiently. His whole body trembling. “Sure! sure! ready to get your scrammy ass whooped again?".

Jared jokingly said. Marvin sighed, staring at the money in his hand, before nodding in response and placed it on the table. He scooped the chips given to him. Jared  grinning and giggling like an excited kid on Christmas morning.
“All in!"The dealer called out, putting the dough into his pocket. Fear began to creep into Marvin's mind as his whole body told him to quit and it wasn't worth it. No biggie deal, just take back your money and get out,he thought. He shook that off. It wasn't worth it?he scoffed within himself. That's like saying life isn't worth it.
“A perfect five stars!" The dealer announced, bringing out the dough from his pocket and handed it to Jared. Marvin's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. Had he lost? He wasn't paying attention to the game anyways so how could he lose?". He chuckled softly. “There must've been a mix-up, that's my money. I won, didn't I?!" His eyes fixated on Jared.
“You really think you won..."he let out a mocking laughter.“did you? I know your antics,my friend and I used that against you!"he said whispering to his ears. Marvin's teeth gnashed in anger. He wanted very much to smash that his stupid old skull on the table.

He narrowed his eyes at him as he slowly got up to leave.
“Cheater!"He yelled at Jared who was about to reach the exit. “If you're so lucky,why don't you try me again!"

Jared shook his head, clicking his mouth in pity. “Have you no shame,kid. You lost, now beat it. Peasant!" He said and left the pub leaving Marvin dazzled, angry and afraid.

His girlfriend, Helen had strongly warned him. “don't go betting that away now,baby!"but he didn't listen. Now, he had to face the result of his stupidity. He sniffed, taking a gulp from his bottle of tequila.

His heart pounding rapidly like mortal and pestle,eyes darting the entire parlour. “Alright, I'm bout to lock you,out!"The grumpy owner said, giving Marvin a disgusted look. He'd grease all over his shirt. “Let me stay here for the night..." He asked,his voice tired. “And let you steal my valuable possession, absolutely not. You've got two minute to leave if not..."Marvin sighed heavily and sluggishly got up staggering his way to the door where the grouch of a man stood there,keys in the keyhole about to lock up.

“Loser!"the owner said quietly but Marvin definitely heard him.
Marvin lain against the pole next to the beer shop. Seeing him,the owner frowned. “Are you deaf,boy? I said get out!" His voice demanding and rude.

Marvin sighed and slowly walked down the steps. His eyes bloodshot red. The owner gave him a bag eye as he disappears into the darkness,the same grossed out look in his eyes.

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