Chapter Four

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Marvin,in his state of drunkenness,found himself in a stroll to an old friend. His plan was to beg for shelter and hopefully something to eat. The former silence now replaced by mocking laughter. Marvin recognized those laughs too very. “Hey loser!"shouted Michael Miller,one of the guys who use to be his friends until he messed up by borrowing money from one of them and never paid them back. The four other men tossed empty cans at him and laughing. “Go kill yourself,motherfucker!"
Another one yelled, as the others laughed at him even harder. Marvin sighed ashamed. He wondered how on earth, he was friends with those backstabbers. His eyesight began to blur.
“What you doing out there
this late?!"He heard a new familiar voice which for some reason, made his heart flutter. He slowly turned around to see that lady from earlier, Tania. “Ehm, I'm lost!" He said, a smile on his greasy sweaty face. She owned a white motorcycle and dressed in white pants and black shirt that barely covered her midriff. “Get in!"She said, the engine of the motorbike screeched. Marvin couldn't believe his eyes. “What?!"he pretended he couldn't hear her under the noise but he did. Tania reduced the sound. “I said get in!". Marvin hurriedly jumped into the backseat. He accepted an helmet from her. His stupid smile returned as he made hand contact with her.
He puts it on and they zoomed off. The fresh breeze made him feel twenty eight years younger. “So, what's your story?!"Tania asked in a loud voice.“Nothing interesting exactly except this!" Tania continued.“Come on, don't be modest!"She said,her hair flowing gracefully with the wind. Marvin once again smelt it. The smell of daises and roses. Tania stood from her bike, doing the bicycle stand trick. Marvin licked his lips, staring lustfully at her backside. He closed his eyes, feeling tired but enjoying the ride. Tania was occupied,she didn't notice him fall off the bike until she heard a this behind her.She came to a halt,next to some shady looking place. She quickly ran to check up on him, see if he was hurt. Luckily, he wasn't in any serious injury, just a minor cut on his elbow. “Are you okay?!" Tania asked as she helped him off the ground,her arms wrapped around his shoulder. “I shouldn't have made you come in!"
“It wasn't your fault, Tania!" He said,his head resting on a bed, with Tania sitted beside him at the edge.
“It was. I shouldn't have..."Marvin took her hands unexpectedly, it made her blush. “I wanted to come with you, Tania. You're the only person who actually cares about me!". He said, drops of tears in his eyes. “That's pretty sweet!"Tania said slowly taking her arm off his grasp. She waited for two minutes before making sure the dose worked. She waved an arm to his eyes. Marvin's eyes closed shut. She smirked. “Sweet dreams,kill boy!" She chuckled maniacally and left.

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