Chapter Eight

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Tania abruptly arose from the ground,dusty. Her ugly
sisters helped her clean up.
“You know what to do,right?!" Asked Lucinda, the one with a eye on her forehead. “Make him want you but don't give him at first,make him beg for your attention!", another one chimmed in.
Tania smirked devilishly. “Leave it all to me, sisters. He's not gonna be the first one I've screwed!" Tania exited the creepy strange hut majestically and stylishly. It had the scale of an alligator and the head of a snake as a roof. She had a macabre smile on her pretty face as she flew up into the air. Her arms up in the air like a bird as she flapped and flapped and then puff, she was covered by feathers and transformed into a crow cawing into the darkness. Tania, now an enigmatic corvid, observed the world below with an intelligence beyond the realm of mere birds.

The night itself seemed to acknowledge Tania's presence, whispering secrets to the winds that carried her. The air became charged with a mysterious energy, as if the very fabric of reality quivered in response to her supernatural abilities. The crow's flight took it over landscapes veiled in shadows, its wings slicing through the air with preternatural ease.

Tania, in her crow form, continued her journey with an eerie calmness. She followed an invisible path, guided by an otherworldly intuition that led her toward her next destination. The landscape below transformed as she soared over desolate moors and dense forests cloaked in midnight hues. The world itself seemed to be a silent spectator to the unfolding events, as if aware of the significance of Tania's presence.

As the crow traversed the night, a chorus of nocturnal creatures serenaded her passage. Owls hooted in the distance, and the rustle of leaves in the wind formed a symphony of the night. Nature, in all its dark majesty, seemed to acknowledge Tania's role in a tale written in the ink of the supernatural.

In the distance, a solitary figure moved through the night. The crow, with its keen perception, recognized the silhouette as Marvin, unknowingly entwined in the web of destiny Tania wove. A soft caw, almost a whisper, emanated from the crow as it circled overhead, observing the man who had become a pawn in a mystical game.

As Tania descended from her avian vantage point, feathers dispersed like ashes carried away by the wind. The transformation reversed, and she re-emerged as a woman. The macabre smile returned to her face, a harbinger of mysteries yet to unfold.

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