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Few weeks later

"Wake up Jane!", Scarlet said as she rolled the curtains allowing the light to shine brightly in the room. "You have a big day today so get up and get ready"
It was after I sat on my bed for a moment before I remembered it was my birthday. Mum had stressed my life the whole week for the preparation. Oh I forgot one thing, Chris and I shared many things together including a birthday so it was his birthday too. That's why I wrote his name first on the guest list. I got out of bed and prayed for the best day ever

"You're up early today",Anna said as she got out of the room. Chris was gathering the hay for the farm animals. "Good morning mum how was your night",He said as he drove the Spade down the hays. "It was great son, I have something for you can you please come with me to the kitchen?" , "Yeah sure thing mum", Chris replied as he followed his mum to the kitchen. The place was dark when they entered. "What's going on?", Chris asked his mom. Before Anna could say something, the lights came on and "SURPRISE!", it was Uncle Ben and Auntie Lisa from the neighborhood. "Happy birthday boy", Uncle Ben said as he handed Chris a present. "thanks uncle, I really appreciate it". "Now make a wish and let's cut the cake", Anna said.
Chris blew the candles and made his wish.

"I'm going to the palace dear, I will keep long today because of Princess Jane's birthday", Anna said. "I'm coming with you mom, Jane invited me to her birthday party too", Chris said . "I'm not sure about that Chris, you know Queen Scarlet doesn't want you near Anna. I'm not sure you'll be able to see her especially today". "No mom I really want to see her today. It's her birthday and I must wish her a happy day. I'm coming with you ", with this, Chris went inside and freshened up for the party
When they came to the palace ,there were a lot of people gathered at the gate. Anna was allowed in because she was wearing the maid's outfit. When Chris got to the gate, he was stopped by the guards. "Sorry sir strictly by invitation",the guard said . "Oh yeah I know", Chris said boldly because he knew whatever the case maybe his name will be on the list. The guard went through the List for the second time before Chris finally gave up his protest
"How could Jane forget to add my name to the list", he said to himself. And with great disappointment, he turned to go

"You look beautiful dear", Scarlet said as she stood behind Jane infront of the mirror. "One day you'll be a great Queen just like I am",she said with a smile. "Now let's get going",she said as she held Jane's hand. They walked straight to the Parking lot where the Party was being held. After some time, Jane started to get worried because she couldn't see Chris anywhere,Jane looked everywhere but couldn't see Chris around. Where could he be?

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