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Jane walks on the upper balcony with her left hand over her eyes trying to locate Chris. "Why isn't he here?, did he decline my invite?", Jane wondered. As time went by Jane grew more and more worried. "Mum,I need to use the bathroom", Jane said as she run into the house. She looks around and sees Anna. "Anna Anna wait", Jane shouted as she hurries after her. "What's wrong your highness",Anna said. "Did Chris come along with you? I can't find him anywhere". Anna sighed for a moment before speaking."They might have not let him in" . "What do you mean they might have not let him in? His name was on top of the list" . "Listen Princess Jane, my son is so innocent. He doesn't want any trouble so why are you trying to drag him into that. He's my only son please leave him alone" . "How can you say such a thing Anna, you really know I do care about Chris",Anna replied. "If you cared about him so much then just leave him alone", Anna said "Excuse me your highness",Anna said as she turned to go.   Jane couldn't hold back her tears. She quickly went inside and Changed herself. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, young and old, great and little, welcome to the birthday party of our soon to be Queen, princess Jane", The announcer shouted as the crowd roared with applause. Jane could hear the Cheering as she stood in front of the mirror. She tied her hair to her back and washed away all her makeups she took a lip gloss and rubbed it on her lips. She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry mother", she said as she got out of the room. She made sure nobody was following her as she left the palace. She headed straight for the beach where they usually sat. When she got there  Chris wasn't there. "Where could he be"?, Jane said.
As she was standing by the shore, Uncle Ben came passing by. "What are you doing here your highness, shouldn't you be at the party"?,he asked. "Um.. yeah sure buh I'm looking for Chris have you seen him anywhere?.  "yes he's sitting at the other end", Uncle Ben replied. "Thanks uncle", Jane said as she headed for the other end. The sand were swallowing her heels that she found it difficult to walk so she took them off. As she got nearer, She saw Chris sitting under one of the coconut trees.

"You know it's not very nice of you to sit here alone without me", Jane said as she sat behind Chris. Chris was surprised to see her. "Jane?, What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be at the party?",he asked. "I am at the party",Jane replied. "What's that suppose to mean", Chris asked. "Don't you know what parties mean?", Jane also asked. "Parties are suppose to be  happy moments you share with the ones you love and here I am sitting here with you so it's a party then", Jane said. "I see, thanks for letting me know. Anyway happy birthday dear ", Chris said. "Same to you Chris ", Jane said as she hugged him.
"I still can't believe you ran from your own party ", Chris said in a mocking tone. "Mum is going to freak out when she sees I'm not there ", Jane giggled.

Scarlet wandered around the palace looking for Jane. "Have you seen the princess around?", she asked One of the guards. "No your highness", he replied. "Where has this girl gone to, I hope she's not with that good for nothing boy. Where's Anna? Anna! Anna!", Scarlet shouted as she walks through the corridor

"You know what Chris, I'm so glad I have you as my friend. You've been so good and kind to me ever since dad died. I'm so sorry I sometimes get you into trouble with my Mum", Jane said. "Don't worry Jane", Chris said. "I'm really glad to have you as a friend too". "Now let's not sit there and make this day boring let's go have some real fun", Chris said as he got up. They headed for the station. Chris stopped a bus and they entered. "Wow so cool", Jane said. "It's my first time sitting in a public transit and it's not that bad". " My dad used to drive one back in my country. Everyday he'll drop me and my mum off at the market before he went to work ", Chris said. "Cool" Jane sat by the window and looked through like some kid who had never been out. The rest of the passengers looked at her in amazement. "Is that not the princess ", they  whispered among themselves. "Can you stop it now Jane, everyone is looking at us", Chris said in a low tone. Jane ignored what Chris was saying and continued with her actions. This drew more and more attention to themselves

"There you are!", Scarlet said as she saw Anna. "Where's my daughter? Where have you hidden her". "What are you talking about your highness?" Anna asked. "My daughter has disappeared and I'm sure your son has her. If I don't get my daughter back before sunset you're going to see what I'll do to you ", Scarlet said as she turned to go
"Oh Chris what have you done this time"

"This is the best day ever!", Jane yelled as they were standing on the highest bridge. " I wish I'll never go home again ", she added. After the ice cream,they headed for the roller coaster ride. They got in the first row and in no time the were riding through. Chris looks at a happy Jane who was screaming with joy. He has never seen her so happy "I really like you Jane and I hope one day we'll be together", he said to himself. Jane also looks at Chris as the ride goes on. "I know you see me as a friend but it's more than that. I hope you'll realize it soon", She also said to herself.

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