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"Um...I'm okay", Jane said as she stood well. "Where are you going in such a rush", Chris asked. "Actually I was coming to see you", Jane said as she moves the hair that was covering her face backwards. "What's up that it couldn't wait?. You almost fell to your death", Chris replied. Jane stood still staring at Chris like she forgot what she was coming to say. "Oh no what was I even thinking. What am I going to tell him now. I can't just tell him I like him. Ughh." Jane thought. "Is everything okay Jane?", Chris asked. "Um yeah I just wanted to tell you that I have finally agreed to become a queen", she blurted out. "Really?, I thought you never wanted to be a queen", Chris replied. "Yeah I didn't want to but my Mum gave me good reasons why I should that's why I've finally decided to go ahead with it". "That's great Jane, but if you're not really interested don't let anyone force you.", Chris said. "Oh don't worry Chris I'm alright". "Okay Jane if you say so. Now let's get you home before your mum freaks out again", Chris said.

"Okay Mary I think I'm done now",Anna said as she packed. "I'll see you tomorrow". "Okay Anna",Mary replied. Anna carried her bag and walked out. As she was heading towards the door she saw Scarlet approaching. She quickly hid behind the cupboard waiting for Scarlet to come and pass. Scarlet came walking briskly. When she got to the library, she looked Left and right before entering. Anna became suspicious so she got out of her hiding place and went to the library door. She looked through the key hole but she sees nobody in there. "Where did she go". She said to herself. She waited for a while to see if Scarlet will come out but she didn't so she eventually gave up and went home.

"Mum?", Chris said as Anna opened the door. "You're late today". "Yes son you wouldn't believe what happened. When I was coming home, I met Scarlet at the hallway. When she got to the library, she opened the door and entered but when I went to see what was going on there, she was nowhere to be found. It's like she just disappeared into thin air",Anna said. "That's strange",Chris said. "I'm very sure the queen is hiding something that's why she doesn't allow anyone to enter the library not even her daughter. But I'll find out what that is". "No my son, please stay out of this. Don't mingle with the queen's matters",Anna pleaded. "Don't worry mum I'll be fine", Chris added. "Okay my son. Oh before I forget, did the princess come to see you today?", Anna asked. "Yeah mum, she came but I wasn't sure why. She looked like she wanted to say something but she couldn't. All what she said was that she wants to become Queen now.", Chris replied. "Oh I see. I guess that wasn't the reason why she came here. You see we had a little talk earlier today and I kinda told her you were into her". "You did what!!!!!", Chris yelled. "I'm sorry son I didn't know she doesn't know. She was also surprised you never told her. I think she really likes you Son",Anna said. "You really think so mum?", Chris asked. "Yes my son . I think you should tell her how you also feel. That way you both can live your life knowing you have each other". "Okay mum. I'll do that. "Okay my dear. I'll go and shower now",Anna replied. Chris took his phone and sends Jane a text

Hey my queen to be, I want to see you this evening very important. See you at the beach @8 please don't be late😘

Jane smiled as she read the text. "I hope he doesn't mess up this time else I'll throw him in the ocean", Jane said. There was a knock on the door and it was the royal servant. "The queen wants to have dinner with you downstairs",she said. "Okay I'll be there in a bit",Jane said as she got up. She enters the shower and begins to think about his meeting with Chris that evening. "I wonder what he's going to say",She said.

"Oh here she comes", A certain man said as Jane descended from the stairs. Janes walks slowly down the stairs feeling very awkward. "You didn't tell me we had visitors", Jane said as she took  her seat. She looks round her and she immediately catches the eye of a young man staring at him. He smiles at Jane but Jane pretended not to see it. "Oh dear let me do the introduction. This is King RK and to his right is Prince George. They're here to ask your hand in marriage", Jane burst into laughter immediately her mum said that. After she realized she was creating a scene she stopped. "Um... I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to laugh but this is insane. What do you mean they want to marry me. I don't remember telling you I want to marry. Please mom I don't want to talk about this",Jane said. "Darling don't be in a rush to decide. Prince George is the perfect partner for you. He's very handsome and very intelligent. He'll be able to help you achieve your dreams as a princess". Scarlet said. Jane looked at Prince George. He was sort of charming though but she was already in love with Chris and there's no way she was going to change her mind. "Maybe after a little talk with my son, you'll get to know him very well",King RK said. Prince George got up an walks to Jane's seat. He offered to take Jane's hand for a walk. Jane looked at The prince. She looks at the time and it's almost 8 o'clock. "Maybe I could have a fifteen minutes talk before I see Chris", Jane said as she got up and took the prince's hand.
"Perfect!, just the way it should be", Scarlet said.

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