Chapter 22: A Worried Mother Can Make Bad Decisions

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A two and a half Jazz Fenton was excitedly awaiting the arrival of her new baby sibling. Her parents were making several last minute preparations for it. Everyone wanted the gender to be a surprise, but she had a feeling it was going to be a boy.

Jazz wanted to make something special for her baby brother but nothing turned out well. It either spontaneously combusted or fell apart. The little girl was on the verge of tears as she watched her water color painting slowly burst into flames. "MOMMY!"

An eight month pregnant Maddie Fenton waddled her way into the kitchen from the living room. "What's wrong sweetie?" Jazz ran over to her mom and face planted into her huge stomach while trying to stretch her arms around the older woman. "Jazz, please be careful. I'm not as resilient to your hugs as I used to be."

"I'm sorry." The small redhead kept her head buried in her mother's stomach.

Maddie laughed. "Are you apologizing to the baby or to me? Let me see those beautiful blue eyes." The two year old slowly moved her head to where her face could be seen. The pregnant woman's smile disappeared when she looked into her daughter's eyes. They weren't the normal teal blue she saw on a daily basis. Instead they were pure golden eyes and they were glowing.

Jazz sniffled and rubbed her eyes. When she opened them again they were back to normal. "Why do all my gifts keep buwning? I even used watew this time!"

Maddie hummed in thought. She knew the exact reason why but a different reason was needed. Jazz wasn't ready for the truth just yet. "It might be all of the loose wiring and faulty gadgets your father and I have in here. Why don't we take a break for now. Its almost your bedtime."

The young toddler let out another whine for a different reason. "But I'm not tiwed!..."

The older woman smiled again. "That whine says otherwise. Come on, maybe we can sneak a piece of your father's fudge."

"DID SOMEONE SAY FUDGE!" Jack Fenton could be heard from upstairs running at top speed and then a loud crash followed by a groan.

The two redheads quickly found the large man sprawled at the bottom of the stairs. Maddie carefully knelt in front of her husband. "Jack are you alright?"

"Are we still having fudge..." Everyone laughed and Jazz tried to help her father up.

Later that night while their oldest was fast asleep, the Fenton parents were on the phone with their oldest friend. "Her eyes were glowing Vlad, glowing! We can't keep brushing it aside! She'll already be considered different because she comes from a family of ghosthunters! What's going to happen if they find out she has powers?!"

"You must calm down Maddie. You're putting too much stress on yourself and the baby." Vlad waited patiently as his friend took dep breaths to calm herself. "Now how long has she been showing signs of having powers? Do you know why this is happening?"

Jack and Maddie shared a glance with one another. They both knew how Jazz had gotten her powers but she hadn't shown any signs of having them until recently, so there hadn't been any need to tell Vlad about there being another halfa. I̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶.̶

"We noticed that for the past couple days that anything Jazz would create for the baby would end up bursting into flames. She starts preschool soon. What if stuff like this keeps happening and we're not there!"

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