Chapter 25: I'm a Clone but not Your Clone

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Danielle Elinore Fenton? No... Danielle Abigail Fenton? Almost but not quite... Dani sighed in frustration. Why were names so difficult? She never worried about her name before but that was when she was Vlad's daughter. Now everyone knew about Vlad and her cousin being Halfa's and the town found out she was other Danny's clone. The Fenton's decided they would adopt her, which led to the predicament she was in now.

Dani was about to let out another sigh of frustration when something caught her eye. It was a letter addressed to her glowing an ominous shade of green. Either Jack and Maddie are experimenting with paper and ectoplasm or this is a letter from the ghost zone. Danny got them occasionally whenever he was needed to settle a problem in the different kingdoms of the Ghost Zone. "I wonder what this is about?"

Opening the letter she immediately noticed the gearshifts creating a barrier around the paper and Clockwork's insignia at the bottom. It read:

Dear Danielle,

Please come to the Clock Tower as soon as you are able. I am sending you on a special assignment to another dimension and timeline. You may see several similarities and differences between this dimension and your own. I would advise you say goodbye to everyone before leaving,


Huh? That wasn't really as cryptic as Danny made Clockwork out to be, it was a little ominous but it wasn't cryptic

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Huh? That wasn't really as cryptic as Danny made Clockwork out to be, it was a little ominous but it wasn't cryptic. Maybe he was more cryptic in person? Yeah that had to be it. After putting the adoption papers away, Dani made her way out of her room and downstairs to the living room of Fenton Works. The only one here at the moment was Jazz. She was currently on break from college. "Hey Jazz, where is everyone? Also how's college life going? I know its only been the first semester."

Jazz smiled at the younger girl. She'd always wanted a little sister and now she finally had one. "Hey Dani, college is going better than I expected. Some of the people there think they're better than everyone else because their parents are alumni, but that'll only get them so far. Mom and Dad went out to buy groceries and supplies for decorating your room, they should be back soon. Danny's hanging out with Sam and Tucker. I'm not sure when he'll be back, why?"

The raven haired girl brought out the still glowing note. "I got a message from Clockwork. I guess I'll be gone a while because he said to tell everyone bye first."

Jazz took the letter and quickly read it herself. "Where do you think he's sending you to? Danny's been to several dimensions and time usually works differently so he's always gone from this one no more than a couple months, even if its been years for him."

Dani's eyes widened in surprise. "How old would that make him?"

"Physically Danny's still sixteen in a half, but mentally he's in his mid to late 20's I think."

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