Chapter 10: Mind Control Over Matter

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Lex Luther knew he couldn't trust the incompetent agents to do their jobs successfully

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Lex Luther knew he couldn't trust the incompetent agents to do their jobs successfully. The contacts he actually trusted had told him that they weren't anywhere near his weapon and were currently on cony island at a theme park.

Pressing a number on his phone, he decided to call his most loyal and trusted assistant, Mercy. "Mercy, get Freakshow on the line. I have a proposition for him."

"Right away sir."

A few minutes later Luther was on a call with Freakshow. "You've reached Cirque de Freak, Freakshow speaking. To whom am I speaking with." The bald man was reminded of the Joker with how the man sounded. He wondered if the two could be related with how similar they both acted.

Inwardly sighing, the evil billionaire put on his fake charms and sweet talk. "Ah Frederick it's Lex, the person who helped you create a second staff in case the first one was ever destroyed. I need a favor from you."

The creepy man on the other end hummed to himself. "What kind of favor?"

"The ghostly kind."

Freakshow let out a weird giggle. "Those are the best kinds of favors. What do you need?"

"You remember that second mind control staff you helped me create? Well a bunch of children playing hero stole it."

"Oh yes, it was so much fun. But what exactly did you want me to do? steal it back?"

"No it's currently in the same place my ghost was taken to. I just need you to use your staff and have him bring it somewhere safe. Oh and while your at it, have him cause those miscreants that stole my staff a little trouble."

"When I'm through with those kids, they'll wish they'd never met a ghost." He started laughing similar to the Joker laugh causing Lex to shiver.

Line Break

Dick had changed into his Robin uniform as soon as the meeting with Vlad Masters was over. He needed to get to the cave and question Danny. It definitely wasn't a coincidence that he got three new students at school. By itself that could've just been for whatever deal Wayne Industries and Vlad Co were making. Under 'normal' circumstances he wouldn't give it more than a couple thoughts, helping Bruce in researching about the other person's business strategies and see if it was a good idea to work with them.

When he found the note in his pocket after school, it just raised suspicion. Bruce had told him to try researching more about Jazz, Sam and Tucker to see what they're connection to the 'guest' at the cave was. He didn't want to warn Danny about Lex Luther because he might know he's being tracked.

Robin B01

As soon as Robin stepped out of the zeta tubes in the cave he knew something was wrong. Kid Flash was sulking on the couch with Aqualad and Superboy glaring at him. "What did KF do this time?"

As the boys explained Wally's mess up, Miss Martian was looking for Danny. He had closed everything off so she couldn't sense him. The first room she had looked in was Danny's bedroom. She noticed two things when she opened the door, the first was that it didn't even look like someone had been in here at all. The bedsheets were tucked in tight and everything was in its place. That was until she went into the bathroom and saw the mirror over the sink had been shattered with a single punch. There was crusted reddish brown blood with glowing specs of green on pieces of the broken glass.

She immediately left the room and started checking other rooms. After about ten minutes of searching and using her density shifting to get through the rooms faster, Miss M was at the very last unchecked room, the laboratory. The team used it to either update their weapons, science projects and lately they'd been using it to research the different objects the team found at each of the facilities they'd gone to. Half of her was hoping Danny wasn't in here while the other half was hoping he was. To her hope and dismay, Danny wasn't there, and after a quick examination of the room, neither was the staff.

Line Break

Danny had to get away from the older teens. He knew he'd said too much with his outburst. So he flew away not really sure where he was going, it didn't really matter anyway.

He stopped flying and found himself in some sort of lab. He scowled when he saw the GIW weapons on one of the tables. Looking around the room, while trying to suppress the memories of his family, Danny's eyes saw vials of ectoplasm. Some of it was the ectoplasm taken from his blood, but the rest was pure filtered ectoplasm that would probably be used fir more weapons. Uncapping the vials, he downed each of them in a single gulp, feeling grossed out at drinking his own blood.

Now that he had more ectoplasm coursing through him, Danny felt stronger. He wasn't strong enough yet to transform, but he could use more of his powers. A bright flash of red caught his eye.

Turning to see what it was, Danny saw it was some sort of staff or scepter with a glowing red orb on top. He had a feeling that he should immediately run away, but he also couldn't help feeling like a moth being drawn to a light.

As soon as Danny touched the staff, his head was filled with a distorted voice. He didn't notice his eyes turn the same shade of red as the orb. "Hello Phantom, I've finally managed to reach you. Now listen carefully, the so called heroes that 'saved' you are looking for ways to make you their new weapon. Look around the lab your in, they stole items from the facility you were stuck in just to try and make their own versions."

"Leave as soon as possible, I've already sent someone to take care of your captors. You just have to get out of that place undetected." Danny's ghost sense went off and a ghost woman with spiky hair and covered in tattoos flew over to him. "This is Lydia, she's here to cause a distraction for you to get away. Now get going, times running out."

Danny turned invisible and intangible and flew through the mountain walls to the world outside. Looking up at the sky, he saw the setting sun.

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