Chapter 11: Sweet Poem O' Mine

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"Alright, everyone—I need to remind each and every one of you about the upcoming poem assignment due next month! Consider it as a test, so I expect each of you to pour your heart and soul into it, understood?" Mrs. Anne declared firmly, quickly accompanied by an enthusiastic eruption of cheers from the class.

Nice. Who doesn't want their test to be replaced by a poem assignment? Well, Eve looks unhappy though, art isn't really her forte. But me? I love everything that includes art.. writing.. and yes, as you guessed, I write lyrics too—oh, you didn't? Yeah I love singing, music is kiiinda my getaway.

"So, girlie."

Eve eyes you suspiciously, propping her chin on the back of her hand and tapping her other hand repeatedly on the table before continuing, "Did you reply to his texts yet?"

"Texts?" you scoff crankily. Busy putting your stuff in your bag to prepare for the next class, you roll your eyes at the thought and grunt, "Weeks of ghosting just to reply to his 'Wussup Winny?' There ain't no way I'm replying,"

Eve nods knowingly, slinging her bag over her shoulders and sighs, "Boys really are stupid," initially appearing to be on your side. However, she suddenly beams and giggles like crazy, turning the other way and raise both her clenched hands beside her cheeks, adding, "Except for My Baby Liam~"

Cringing in resigned solemnity, you sass, "You're hopeless, girlie," which only makes Eve laugh even harder.

"Come on, let's just put our bags back in the corner this time," she suggests, understanding your situation completely. Especially since it's time for Geo after this recess and you hate it so much. Even in a normal state, you struggle to focus. Imagine how it is when you're not in the mood.

You bounce your eyebrows once in tired agreement, not even lifting a side smile. With all the enthusiasm of a sloth on a Monday morning, you lazily stand up, eyes fixed on your bag before flinging it over your shoulders. However, as your gaze shifts to the door..

You see Tyler.

Already leaning against it like he's modeling for Vogue. Noticing your prolonged irritation as you take a sharp inhale and exhale with a jaded expression, Eve follows your gaze—to giggle in amusement as she makes sense of your expression.

"Speak of the devil~"

Arms pocketed in his pants, he grins and bounces his eyebrows twice mischievously before blurting out, "How about lunch?"

"Eve, I can fit the window right?" you sassily retort as you roll your eyes with annoyance. Eve erupts in laughter while shaking her head, fully aware of what lies ahead. Hastily, you head for the window as Cavill rushes to you in panic! Just as you're about to grab the window latch, he catches your bag from behind, putting a halt to your master plan.

"Winnyyy~ come onnn, eat with us," he pleads, hands still holding your bag, preventing you from getting away.

Still struggling to get away from him, you mutter under your breath, "No thanks."

"Come on you've been ignoring me for weeks—"

"Me? I've been ignoring you for weeks?" you fume at his ridiculous accusation. Pausing your escape attempt in displeased awe, you turn your head to his guilty self as he lowers his face and grins foolishly, and then you continue, "Improve your English, idiot."

Retracting his head in utter confusion at the unexpected amount of sass, he wonders with a hint of sarcasm, "Damn, since when did you hate me this much?"

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