A Little White Lie

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Early in the morning, around 7:30 a.m., Smart Beavis began to flutter his eyes. He squinted when he saw how bright it was in the living room at first. His eyes soon fell on Smart Butthead, who was still sleeping in his arms. Still sleeping.

Smart Beavis took a minute to wake up and just stared at Smart Butthead. How could he be asleep for so long?

Smart Beavis wanted to get up and get ready for the day, and he didn't care too much about waking Smart Butthead up this time. He should definitely be up and be somewhat active today.

He took a breath before he started to gently shake Smart Butthead. "Smart Butthead," he whispered. "I think you should have some breakfast."

Smart Butthead never moved though. Smart Beavis shook him a bit harder. "Smart Butthead." he repeated. Still nothing.

This couldn't be healthy.

Smart Beavis took another breath before he took Smart Butthead in his arms and lifted him up off his body. Surely enough, that woke Smart Butthead up.

Smart Beavis heard him make confused noises as he stood up, sitting Smart Butthead up against the couch. Smart Butthead blinked a few times.

"I am going to prepare you breakfast shortly. You have rested enough." Smart Beavis said.

Smart Butthead kept his eyes half open, glancing around the room. He still felt exhausted. "I wish to go back to sleep."

Smart Beavis shook his head and reached out a hand to help Smart Butthead stand. "It is also healthy for you to at least eat something."

Smart Butthead slowly took Smart Beavis' hand and stood up with his help. He yawned as he still felt Smart Beavis' hand in his.

"I will guide you." Smart Beavis offered. He led him to the bathroom to get their medication and freshen up. Maybe it was more of a check-up to Smart Beavis. He constantly looked Smart Butthead over and watched his every move, waiting to see if he found something new that was wrong or if something had worsened.

He looked more sluggish than the past couple days. Slower movements, slower speech, tired face and heavy eyes. Smart Beavis tried not to look too concerned in front of Smart Butthead, but he knew it was starting to show.

Smart Beavis left the bathroom before Smart Butthead. He was at a loss for what to do. He was really beginning to think this was something much more serious than he previously thought.

He figured Smart Butthead should finish up the soup he didn't eat last night. He found the bowl of it in the fridge and put it in the microwave for a minute.

As he stared into the screen of the microwave, he heard footsteps moving behind him in the kitchen. He turned his head to look over his shoulder, and saw Smart Butthead seat himself in a chair by the counter. He gave Smart Butthead a small smile, which he returned, but it was laced with fatigue.

The microwave beeped a few seconds later, and Smart Beavis took it out of the microwave. He stirred it with the spoon a bit, then walked it over to the counter.

Smart Butthead pulled it closer to him, stared at it for a second or two, then picked up the spoon and began eating it.

Smart Beavis turned around and walked back to all the cabinets. He opened one and untied the bread bag, taking one piece from it. He put it back and then found their toaster. He placed the bread slice in and set the timer. He walked back over to Smart Butthead and sat across from him.

He continued to watch Smart Butthead eat slowly. He couldn't help but be concerned.

Smart Butthead did take notice of Smart Beavis' mood, but he wasn't surprised. He just let it slide for now. He didn't necessarily feel worse, just more tired than usual. He kept eating, not wanting to make Smart Beavis more worried than he already was.

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