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" Tomo, Jun, Flower, Fukase, Piko,.. You are super late to CLASSSS!! " yells their teacher  " Now all  5 of u have detention " all 5 of them look at each other in annoyance " What are u guys waiting for go to your desk! " says their teacher  " I can't believe i'm actually dating Fukase now " Flower said inside her head   " What's wrong petals? " Fukase whispers while slightly chuckling. Flower, about to get mad and hit him she instead calmed down and quietly chuckled with him while blushing. Piko then looked over at Flower and Fukase and then whispered to Tomo and Jun " Hey Tomo Jun"   " What? " whispered the both of them "Look over there " . Tomo and Jun then looked over and Tomo then whispered   " Those two are so cute together "  " They really are " whispers Jun. ( in detention ) " Ughhhh Whyyy " Flower groans   " Don't worry petals, at least i'm here " says Fukase teasingly,   " Shut up " Flower says to him while smiling. " Soooo um Tomo " says Flower " Yeah Flower? "   " Are u and Jun dating "  Tomo and Jun then started laughing while both of them looking flustered, Piko, Flower, and Fukase just sit there looking at them trying not to laugh  " So are u dating or not? "  Flower said while laughing at them  Jun and Tomo then look at each other then Jun says " Yeah were dating  "  while chuckling. after a few more minutes of just all 5 of them just sitting there  " Hey guys did no one notice the teacher is gone? "  Jun says  " Your right " says Tomo  " Well what are we waiting for?! let's go! ".  after that they all went over to Jun's place, meanwhile at the school.... " Alright guys u all can go home just re-" their teacher says not realizing that all 5 of them already went home  " Wait. THEY WENT HOME?! i just went to the bathroom for like 20 min- okay yeah no wonder they went home". (363        

Tomo Aizawa meets Vflower (first story)Where stories live. Discover now