『 Cuddling 』

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If you two were still on the ship(at the start of the movie), I feel like you two would share a room. Preferably one bed, as you two are together.

Most times, you would be the small spoon, hugging Willy's waist while his arm is around your side.

Another position would probably be you two facing each other, and both of your guys's arms would be hugging each others waists.

But, also, I feel like you would be the bigger spoon as well. Like when he had nightmares, or just upset about something. His head would be in your chest as you stroke his back and/or hair with your thumb.

You two would talk about the day, and possibly the future. That is until he suddenly falls asleep while whispering something.

But if you two were already in Mrs. Scrubitt's building, you two would have to separate. You would most likely have to stay in either Noodles or Lottie Bell's room.

If it were Lottie Bell, she wouldn't say anything to you about you leaving in the middle of the night. She would fake sleep until she actually fell asleep.

But if it were Noodle you were staying with, she wouldn't fake sleep like Lottie Bell. She would ask you questions and then let you go see your husband(or boyfriend).

You would have to wake up extra early. Not because of roll call, because you needed to get back to your room and make sure nobody sees you. Especially Bleacher or Mrs. Scrubitt.

Again, you two would just talk about your guys's days. But it would get boring due to the lack of contact with other people in the Laundry area. But it would start getting better when Willy finds a way to sneak out and sell some chocolates. That is until the police catch him and he has to run away.

You would just nod and smile, not even thinking about your day. Just his.

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