『 Little Things He Does During The Movie 』

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He would 100% kiss your knuckles after every dance you two had. Even in front of other people.

Okay—I've had this little thing stuck in my mind since I watched the movie.

When he finally caught Lofty, The Oompa Loompa, you were still asleep in your guys's shared bed. When Willy turned on the lamp, you shifted slightly. He would turn the lamp down just a little so the light isn't so bright, but enough for the orange man and the chocolate maker could see each other.

Every time he got nervous, he would tighten his grip on your hand a bit. Including when you both were on the boat getting sent away and your hand was on his knee, trying to brighten his mood.

If you wore glasses during the movie, he would sometimes take them off your face, clean them and give them right back to you. All while talking.

He would give you puppy dog eyes when you slightly scolded him for whatever, making you sigh instantly and stopping your rant.

Honestly, he would be IN LOVE. Hands on you She er you go. To your hand, to your cheeks. (Don't think like that.)

Continuing with the puppy dog eyes, whenever he was feeling sad(you can imagine why), he would give you those eyes. Obviously you can't resist.

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