『 How you met him/How he met you 』

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It was simple.

Willy needed people on his ship for help and to help him sell chocolates so people buy more.

Your family said it would be good for you, and basically forced you to agree. And you did.

All you needed to do was sign a paper, go home and pack, then you'll find yourself drifting off from your home and family.

You weren't thinking when you signed the papers, you just thought it would kinda be like  an adventure.

You would start crying in your tight cramped up spaced room on the bed, your face shoved into the pillow while you let out quiet sobs.

It was idiotic, yes, but you weren't thinking. Your family always made the decisions for you, not yourself.

Suddenly, you heard a soft knock on the door, followed by a slight cheerful voice. You would soon realized it was the one and only Willy Wonka. He was checking up on everyone and to see how they were holding up.

After you quickly rushed to wipe off tears(and smeared makeup), you smiled and tried to mask your croaking voice as well as you could.

Honestly, he would be a little concerned, but wouldn't think anything of it. That is until you break down infront of him. Not full on crying, but tearing up and having to cover your mouth with your hand to stop making noise.

He would rush to your side, making you sit back down on your small bed as he would rub your back. I feel like he would say something like "stay here, I'll be quick." And rush off to find one of his chocolates for you to taste.

That's when you became his taste tester on the ship.

You two became good buddies, having small friendly friend dates and dancing alone on the ship, laughing and having fun. Just like friends would, right? Wrong.

He wouldn't trick you or anything into kissing him—not at all. He wouldn't use one of his chocolates that makes you kiss someone, but he definitely was thinking it.

After one of your weekly friendly friend dates, his hands would still be on your waist and your hands would still be on his shoulders.

You two would just smile at each other, not saying a word. That is until his smirk ends up making you kiss him right on the lips, and he immediately kisses you back. Nothing sexual, dirty or whatever. Just one simple soft kiss on the lips.

Once you two pull away, he would chuckle slightly. Honestly, I feel like he would be the nervous one. Somehow more than you.

That's when you two would confess your feelings. (Cheesy, I know.)

✶✶✶✶✶✶ MARRIAGE/ELOPE ✶✶✶✶✶✶


The scene where Willy steals the cocoa beans for the first time is most likely when he starts making chocolates.. but just imagine if he stole from a different islands before hand for the plot.. okay?

You two would elope, due to his family being gone and your family is somewhere far far away.

It wouldn't be anything big. He would be in his adventure outfit(the one he had on when he stole the cocoa beans), and you would be in an old but clean white dress that went to your ankles.

You two would have it on the same island that he would steal cocoa beans from the Oompa Loompa, also known as Lofty. The other Oompa Loompa's obviously heard, but didn't want to ruin such a precious moment. After all, he didn't steal anything yet.

I feel like he would 100% lift you up in the air by the waist and spin you around while yelling "yes!" As in finally, you're officially his, and he's officially yours.

You two obviously kissed, I mean, who wouldn't? This time it was more make-out ish than just a normal kiss. But it was still soft.

And after that, he made you stay by the shore until he would come back with cocoa beans tucked in his bag. You two would already be gone before the Oompa Loompa's caught you.

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