『 You're the daughter/son of Willy Wonka 』

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He would make sure you were by him at all times, especially if you're in your younger(under 15).

You know how he danced with Noodle right? He would do the same with you, but for much longer if you know what I mean. More childish and loving.

If you didn't like someone, not in a hateful type of way but just genuinely don't like someone, he wouldn't force you to talk to them or even look at them. He would still talk and smile, but he would never make you do the same.

When Mrs. Scrubitt dropped the bomb on him that he would need to pay the fee's he had, and would have to stay downstairs with all the other "guests", he would make a request. Not a few, just one.

"My only request is that me and my kid(son/daughter) stay together. Please, that's it."

Mrs Scrubitt wouldn't be that heartless, right? Right! For once she would actually have a heart. She would let you two stay in the same room, but she would add a "fake fee" for it, adding another two hundred coins onto what he already needed to pay.

He would want you to have the greatest childhood ever. It would pain him to see you go through the same childhood he had, with only one parent and no friends.

If you were Noodle's age(12-14), he would introduce you two right away. Even if you were younger(maybe 7-11), he would let you two meet with his supervision.

If you ever caught your father crying, he would act like he was alright, even if it was clear he wasn't. He wouldn't want you too worry about him, it's supposed to be the other way around,

When Mr. Slugworth would send him away(we all know that scene), Willy wouldn't leave you behind like everyone else. Mainly because you're his only family. His child.

On the small boat that he got sent away on, he would make sure that you were okay and that you wouldn't hate him. In all honesty, he wouldn't joke around, making you concerned. That is until Lofty showed up.

He would 100% pull you down with him into the water when the boat exploded. If you didn't know how to swim, he would make sure to grab something before it exploded so you had something to float on.

I feel like you're mother would leave him right after the birth, which left him with you. He wasn't sad, but disappointed in a way. She knew that he was a bit poor and couldn't properly fend for himself.

But as you grew older, he wouldn't regret taking you. You would be his reason to continue to try to be successful with his business in being a chocolate maker.

Due to you not growing up rich or with a lot of money, he wouldn't be able to afford education for you. But when he would stop by towns to try and sell chocolate, he would let you go to the library.

Noodle would have to teach the both of you how to read, and possibly you how to write as well.

He would be cheerful and playful with you.

He would 100% sing you lullabies to sleep that his mother used to sing to him when he was your age. I feel like he would also stroke your hair, and maybe lay down with you in a comforting father way.

If you were ever having a panic attack, he would sit you down without anyone else but him and talk you through it. He would make you look at him and follow his breathing pattern.

He would let you wear his signature coat and hat as a joke, and if he had one of those old fashioned cameras, he would take pictures with you on them.

He would constantly ask Mrs. Scrubitt to let you stay away from doing laundry and tasks around the building. Once she finally lets you go from doing them, he would make you come with him on adventures.

And if you wanted too, he would let you sell some of his chocolates. Like with a little sign pointing to where it was.

If you were too sleepy and wouldn't wake up, he would carry you to roll call. He would say "here" for you, and Bleacher would kinda have to let you two get away with it because you were right in front of him.

(before the events of the movie & you two would be on the ship still) If you woke up from a nightmare, he would immediately rush to your little corner of the shared bedroom and try to calm you down, whispering sweet things and that it was just a dream.

He would make some chocolates based off of you and what you like. You have a favorite animal? He'll make the chocolate look like it. You have a favorite taste? He'll make the chocolate taste like it.

He would blow you little kisses from around the room, even if you don't notice. If you two were close enough, he would kiss your forehead or the top of your head.

Mommy issues at their finest 💀

I got a little carried away, but I hope you enjoy it! This was requested if you haven't figured that out already<3

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