Chapter 1

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Deku was walking to his class when he was met by Bakugo. He tried to run away however bakugo already saw him. Bakugo grabbed Deku and threw him to a wall. " hey everyone look  at how pathetic he is" Bakugo yelled getting the attention of everyone to look at the unconscious bleeding Deku . They all burst out laughing as they looked at him except Todoroki who run to his aid. " why the fuck would you do that? He is your damn friend" Todoroki questioned. Bakugo looked annoyed and said, " not onlyis Deku a nerd he is also quirkless. You can be his friend if you want because you're a nerd yourself." Everyone agreed with him. Todoroki said nothing and picked Deku bridal style to the Nurse's office.

The nurse surprised to see Deku hurt badly proceeded to bandage him up. After a while Deku woke up to see him bandaged up in the nurses office. When all of a sudden someone hugged him, Deku was surprised to see Todoroki crying because most of the time he ha a a neutral expression. After he stopped crying he asked " how do you consider that bastard Bakugo as a friend" Deku replied saying " Bakugo used to be kind before I was deemed quirkless" Todoroki looked annoyed yet said nothing and helped Deku to his feet . "Can I escort you home? It is the least I can do." Todoroki asked with a glint of hope in his eyes. Deku nodded and the two set out to Deku house.

They ended up using the time talking about subjects in school. Until Todoroki asked a weird question " hey Deku I need you to listen, with how things are going in your life if you do feel like becoming a villain you can ask" Deku looked stunned, " a villain Christ no hold up are you a villain." Todoroki nodded his head. Deku hugged him and said " as much us being a villain is very dangerous I will keep your secret  however I don't want to be a villain." Understood understood thank you."  Todoroki said a bit surprised of what Deku said. When they got nearer to Deku house he waved goodbye to Todoroki and Todoroki waved back and walked to his house direction. Deku stood watching Todoroki for a long time and smiled with a tint of blush on his cheeks and went inside

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