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"I'll be back in a few." I pressed my hand into Cole's shoulder as I pushed myself to stand. His immediately came up to mine, acknowledging the fact I was leaving the table without the need for him to stop his conversation with Emmett about whatever game they were talking about now. I'd blanked out all noise when my mother and Liz started talking at me all about Sebastian's job and the house he'd bought and how Liz was going to love being a stay at home wife. 

I really do hope Liz loves being at home to raise any kids, cooking for James, running the household with the calm mindset she has. I can see her going to a book club, baking constantly, gardening and volunteering down town when the kids are in school. It's everything Liz has ever wanted and I'm glad she's finally marrying James because that guy has been pining for her since they were 17. All it took was her coming home from uni and one push from our parents to accept him wanting to take her out and the rest is history. 

I stared at myself in the long mirror, stretching across the wall behind the sinks. I look tired. I feel it too. Right down to my bones. I'm working myself into an early grave, I know. With the pay rise from the bar, I wouldn't be living paycheck to paycheck if I dropped working at Belle's. All it would effect was the amount of money I was piling into my savings. 

I don't really need the 2 jobs. Not if it comes down to necessities. The bar pays enough now to cover all bills, food, everything and in reality, I have enough in my savings to step back a little and relax before working out what I really want. 

It's scary though. The idea of putting things on the line like that.  Right now everything is laid out so neatly. I know where I need to be, what's I'm going to need to do. My whole days planned out and I don't have time for the tiredness to sink in. I'm worried that taking this step back is going to render me a useless mess and I don't know if I'd be able to recover. 

"Caroline." My heart stops as I leave the ladies, Sebastian being where I didn't expect anyone to be. I mean, it's my own fault for not paying attention as I left the toilets I guess. 

"Jesus. You made me jump then." I settled my hand in the middle of my chest, hoping it would settle back into it's usual rhythm so I could carry on with the night. He didn't smile though. Just continued leaning against the wall in the empty entry way. Music continued to thud away at the end of the hall, conversations just becoming a mixed blur of noise behind closed doors. There but distant. 

"How long are you going to keep me waiting?" I straightened my shoulders out, tipping my head slightly at him. 

"Keep you waiting for what?" 

"You know what Caroline-" God I really hate that name. "Who the hell is he anyway? He looks like he's just stepped straight out of some mobster film from the 40s. You know for a fact he can't give you the life you want." 

"Oh yeah? And what life is that exactly Sebastian? One where I sit at home under your thumb listening to your whack job, fucked up rules like I'm a fucking doll you have any form of control over?" His face darkens and he stands up straight. I promised myself I'd play nice with Sebastian but him coming in here and acting like he's gods gift is really starting to rub me the wrong way. "Cole gives me more than I'd ever want you to give me. Wrap it around your thick little skull that I'm not coming home. I don't want that house, I don't want to be your pretty little wife and raise your 6 kids, I don't want you. I'm sick to death of telling you that." 

"You're lying to yourself still Caroline. Eventually-" 

"Eventually nothing Sebastian. I am happy with the life I am building myself and that doesn't have you involved in it." He steps forward again and a stone lodges itself in my throat. 

"You're mine, Caroline." He peers into my eyes, steps forward until he's inches from me. "And I'm just about done biding my time whilst you fuck around and act like some modern day Mary Magdalene. Pack your shit up, come home before I come down there and do it for you." 

"You'd have more chance of changing the earth's spin than me doing a single one of those things." I stared him down, gave my words a few seconds to burn into his mind before trying to move past him and head back to the table. Of all the years I've known Sebastian, of all the times I've tried to stand up to him, I should have known pushing past him wasn't going to come without some kick back. And kick back it did. His hand wrapped tight around my wrist, pulling me god knows where before pushing my front against the door. He grabbed my other wrist, pushing my arms into my back so I had no chance at moving without him letting me go first. 

"Keep resisting." Sebastian's nose ran up the side of my neck slowly. "Keep fighting it Caroline. Keep going, you're only making it fucking harder on yourself and trust me. The second I've got my ring on your fucking finger I will not be as gentle as I was last time." His teeth pulled at my earlobe, finger nails pushing into my arms until pain seared through my body. "Notice how it wasn't a question?" I swallowed, fighting against every single part of my body that was trying to show him how scared I was right now. "Answer me." 

"Cole's going to come looking for me any second Sebastian. I really suggest you let me go before he sees this." His grip tightened on me and I swallowed the whimper. 

"Say that bastard's name again and I'll shove my dick so far down your throat the last thing you'll be thinking before you pass out is how much better I am." I wriggled under his hold and he pushed me harder into the door. "Knowing you though, you'd actually like that, wouldn't you? You did always like when I was rough with you." His hand went into my hair, pulling until my head snapped back, my skull burning under his hand. "You want it don't you? I'll pull that black skirt up and fuck you until you forget all about that dickhead waiting for you out there Caroline.  You know I can. I've done it before and I'll do it right now if you tell me you'll bring your sweet ass home and marry me." 

"Callie? Baby are you around here?" I squeezed my eyes tight as Cole's voice echoed in the hallway. 

"Say it Caroline." Sebastian's free hand pushed between the door and me, moving down towards my hips. I'm going to be sick. "Now." I shook my head, a single tear slipping down my cheek. His hand continued to move down my front, other hand yanking my head back and when Cole called my name again from a little further away, I knew my timer was running out. Using everything my dozens of self defence classes had taught me, I was able to fight Sebastian off me. Kicking and punching until he was on the floor, a growling, pissed off, bruised mess and I ran. Leaving the room in such a hurry I didn't have a clue where I was, where I was going, who was around or what I looked like right now. I thought brining Cole home would stop this. Sebastian's incessant need to assert his dominance. He's the one fling that fucked everything up. A one night stand when I came home for Christmas in my first year at college. A permanent thorn in my side I fear I'll never get rid of. 

"Hey! Woah. Cal-" 2 hands land on my upper arms, holding me tight and stopping me from wherever I was going. "Callie. Look at me." Cole gently lifted my head to meet his and I was able to take a long, slow breath to calm myself down. Everything's gonna be fine. "What's going on?"  A door slammed behind me, both of us turning our heads to see Sebastian leaving the room he must have had me in. He straightened his tie, smirked and walked in the opposite direction. In an instant, Cole's hold on me dropped and he took a step back. He cleared his throat and stood up taller. "You've got people looking for you. I need to make a call. I'll be back in when I'm done." Cole's voice dropped, losing any sense of panic he'd had when he found me as he turned his back to me, walking out of the back door without a second glance. 

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